Saint Augustine’s University

Saint Augustine’s University was founded in 1867 and is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is a smaller school, with just nine hundred and seventy-four students. Unfortunately, the university only has a twenty-six percent graduation rate.
The in-state tuition is more than seven thousand dollars, and the out-of-state tuition is eighteen thousand dollars. In addition, the average loan debt after graduation is twenty-two thousand and five hundred dollars, with the median starting salary of twenty-one thousand dollars.
“Saint Aug is a poorly functioning institution with low student morale, poor faculty retention, unkempt facilities, and underwhelming academic programs. I was dripped on by a moldy ceiling tile in the ladies’ room. Water leaked into a lighting enclosure during my class. My professors often cancel classes. The faculty, staff, and students mistreat early college students.” —– Student.