There was once a time when inflatable furniture was all the rage. From chairs to couches, people had some strange obsession with sitting on pieces of blown up plastic furniture. If you grew up in the 90s/early 2000s, you know exactly what I mean. Although its popularity has definitely fallen over the years, there are still some inflatable furniture options out there – and they’re definitely a lot more stylish than they used to be. I know, I know, you’re probably wondering how on earth inflatable furniture could have possibly improve – but just trust me on this one. While an entire couch is a bit much, an inflatable chair is a great option for people who want a piece of ‘blow up’ furniture, but also want their space to look mature and stylish. Take a look at 10 fun and stylish inflatable chair designs.
This bright inflatable chair would be the perfect fit for a game room or other kid friendly space.
image via https://mimiberlinblog.wordpress.com/
One of the worst things about the inflatable chairs that most of us grew up with is the fact that they weren’t really all that comfortable. However, this design is all about comfort and support.
image via https://www.pinterest.com/thedpages/
If you loved the neon colors from old school inflatable furniture, you’re in luck. You can still find bright designs, except this chair is a lot less tacky than what we knew in the past.
image via decoist.com
This chair has a unique design that will certainly bring a special look to your space.
image via http://www.domusweb.it
This white furniture has a stylish and trendy design that will look great in modern living spaces.
image via http://housology.com
Why have one inflatable chair when you can have several?
image via gizmodo.com
This white inflatable chair has a classic and lavish look which means that it can easily fit into a nice living room setting without looking tacky.
image via coolhunting.com
Who doesn’t love a good pop of color? These bright inflatable chairs are sure to turn heads.
image via aliexpress.com
Another inflatable chair designed for comfort, this curved design is modern and cool.
image via oldesign.net
A simple design makes this inflatable chair the perfect place to relax after a long day.