5 Reasons Seattle WA Is A Great Place To Live

aerial view of seattle wa

Seattle WA may have a reputation for being rainy and gray, but there’s much more to this pacific northwestern city than temperamental weather. With a population of more than 688,000 people, Seattle WA is a city that is constantly growing and changing. The city offers a face paced environment with a unique and vibrant local culture. If you’re looking for the perfect place to call home in the pacific northwest, Seattle is a place that should definitely be at the top of your list. If you can deal with the weather, then you’ll see why Seattle is one of the 10 best places to live in the country. Here are 5 reasons Seattle WA is a great place to live.

Great public schools

Whether you have kids or not, moving to a place with a good school system is always a plus. The Seattle school system is the largest in the state, and Great Schools has ranked it a 9 out of 10. On top of that Seattle is home to three universities including The University of Washington. Good schools generally means that the adult population is well-educated, which is definitely the case in Seattle WA. According to a study done by Amazon, Seattle is the most well-read city in the country.

Amazing coffee and food

As the home of Starbucks, it should come as no surprise that Seattle WA has a thing for coffee. With that being said, finding a coffee shop in Seattle is as easy as breathing. One study even says that people in Seattle drink more coffee than people in any other place in the country. Aside from everyone’s favorite caffeinated beverage, Seattle also has lots of great food options throughout the city.

Lots of ways to enjoy the outdoors

It’s no secret that many people in Seattle love to enjoy outdoor activities. Seattle WA is full of natural beauty, and there are lots of opportunities to enjoy it. Thanks to parks and hiking trails, getting outside and enjoying a lovely day while taking in your surroundings is a very easy thing to do.

Good paying job opportunities

Everybody wants to live in a place with good job prospects, and Seattle is one of those places. There are lots of job opportunities in Seattle WA, and the median income in the state is 26% higher than the national average.

Professional sports

If you’ve ever lived in a city that is home to any professional sports teams, you know that having a common team to root for really adds something special to the culture of the city. Seattle has 5 professional sports teams including the Seattle Seahawks (NFL) and the Seattle Mariners (MLB).

lead image via royalcaribbean.com


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