Here I am thinking that one of the best ways to sell your house is to update the bathrooms before listing it. Well if you live in Indonesia, you might want to try Wina Lia’s approach and include yourself as part of the listing. You read that right. On the site RumahDijual.com, Wina posted the title “HOUSE FOR SALE: Buy the house and you may marry the owner“. Below the listing price she clarified “Offer of the century!!! Buy the house and you may marry the owner (terms & conditions apply). Only for serious buyers and without negotiation.”
Not surprising at all, her real estate listing has gone viral on social media sites in Indonesia. That’s the sort of exposure that a seller dreams of. There’s been so much buzz about her listing that she’s been getting interview requests to confirm that she is indeed looking to find a husband.

According to Metro TV News, and she explained that the listing isn’t a joke and she is indeed looking for a husband after two failed relationships. Her first priority is to sell the house, which the 40 year-old salon owner built at the request of her deceased mother who wanted her to live nearby. Secondary to that she’s looking for a husband that is religious and can financial support the home as the mortgage is too much for her to handle at this time. It’s unclear as to how much debt Wina is carrying.
Here’s the Google Translate version of the listing sheet…
Offer of the century rare !!!
Buy house could invite the owner married (terms & conditions apply)
Only for serious buyers and without negotiations Kalasan Sale House in Sleman Yogyakarta :
- Second home
- A land area of 523 m 2
- Building area of 130 m 2
- Bedrooms 2
- Bathrooms 1 + In
- Granite flooring
- 1 car garage
- 1 car carport
- Spacious backyard
- The front garden
- Fish pond in the living room
- Electricity 2,200 VA
- Front road width cast cement – + 3 m (car entry)
Price Sale House in Kalasan Sleman Yogyakarta:
- 999 Million negotiable (price subject to change at any time)
- For buyer who is not negotiable bonus invite the owner married (terms & conditions apply) and only for serious buyers.
Location Kalasan Sale House in Sleman Yogyakarta:
What do you think? Is it the deal of the century?