Browsing through the ads on Craiglist brings up the usual offerings including car parts, kittens, puppies and home furniture. Occasionally there are items that stand out above the others. Through a random search we found five unique listings in the “for sale” category that you don’t find advertised every day. Today we’ve decided to travel out West to a region in California that has a particularly interesting Craigslist page.
Check out the five craziest items for sale on Craigslist Bakersfield.
70-73 Chevy Camaro Trunk Spoiler
While it’s not unusual to find car accessories for sale it is a bit unusual to find one that is missing pieces. The asking price is $110 for a Camaro 2 piece original rear deck trunk spoiler. The only problem is that it is missing the passenger side. The owner advertises it for $110 in the listing heading but is asking $120 or the best offer in the description. There is no deception in the ad because a clear picture is shown that includes two of the three pieces that are supposed to come with the item.
It’s obvious that the price will be negotiable because of the two confusing prices listed. This is a good attempt to unload a broken accessory and get what you can for it. Who knows, perhaps someone has the third piece just lying around?
Front Throw Lawn Mower
Is anyone in the market for an archaic lawn mower with amazing vintage appeal? It comes complete with the basket on front to catch the lawn clippings. This one of a kind novelty is not something that you see very often. Perhaps you could find another just like it if you look through dozens of estate sales. We noticed that it does have an engine attached so it is definitely more convenient than a push mower.
It is reminiscent of a cross hybrid old fashioned push mower and something that resembles a more modern lawn mower. Throw in a few elements of an older tiller and you have a close description of the item. At a minimum, sharpening the blades would be time consuming. It could be yours for the asking price of just $200. Nevermind the fact that you could get a good used mower that is in good condition and comes with a rear or side bagger for this price. T
here is a certain amount of charm associated with this relic from the past. Perhaps the seller is looking at the value in terms of antique status. We thought it was one of the more unique listings that we came across in our search for the most unusual, whimsical and simply weird items on Craigslist.
Real Barn Wood Reclaimed Lumber Planks
These are advertised for just $1 – cheap! The advertisement goes on to describe the lumber as being authentic and “reclaimed” which we is another way of saying that it is old and being recycled. It’s a novel approach to repurposing and the advertising is very clever. The planks are advertised as a “light weight alternative” to most other barn boards. They are aged pine taken from actual barns that have been torn down. The boards are actually kind of whimsical featuring a distressed wood look because the actually are worn from aging and exposure to the elements. They are no doubt lighter because they have dried out from years of weathering. Most remodelers go for commercially prepped planks which are as the seller explains, about twice the cost.
The advertisement goes on to discuss how easy the planks are to install as well as the pricing for different sizes. They offer to sell 60 of the LF boards for $1,400, immediately followed by the minimum purchase of 10 at $28 per board. A host of other keywords is also displayed below the ad including LEED, green, oak maple, sustainable, restic, flooring old worm holes, used boards, tree, re-purposed, patina, salvaged, vintage and more. We found this to be an interesting and innovative approach to making a profit out of demolished barns.
Perhaps the weirdest ad of all is the one that offers Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep for sale. We know that the initial $1 couldn’t be correct, but it appears in a few of the ads. This is quite a novelty that doesn’t present itself that often. The seller goes on to give particulars about the new lambs that were born in April and will not complete the weaning process until August. Each of the rams being sold are 50% bighorn hybrids which are bighorn and domestic sheep crosses.
One usually considers a big horn sheep as an animal you’d see when hunting in the Rocky Mountains. These entrepreneurs have secured the license to legally sell them and offer pick up or delivery in Southern California. You can learn more about them by checking out their website at www.trophybighorns.com. They also offer a variety of other unusual animals for your perusal.
Drift Trike one of a kind
We came across the ad for this Drift Trike and we believe it when they say that it’s one of a kind. It’s unique and comes with a Predator 6.5 hp motor, a motorcylce twist throttle and a front disk brake. The asking price is $500. The seller is also willing to barter if you have something of value to trade. “Something cool” will do nicely, according to the ad. A few examples of cool items include a mini bike, go ped, tools or even a welder.
These were the five craziest items that we found on Craigslist in Bakersfield. We thought that each were notable and if nothing else, unusual items to sell. The advertisement approaches are also interesting and worth reading. We thoroughly enjoyed reviewing each advertisement and learning about items that we wouldn’t have expected to find for sale on Craigslist. Each day brings more ads and if you have a little time on your hands, it can actually be quite entertaining.