Seattle has always been a unique area. From the early timber settlers to today’s bohemian coffee house patrons, folks in this city have their own distinct vibe. Maybe it’s the rainy weather that accounts for the weirdness–or perhaps because people in the rest country just don’t understand? Seattle is mysterious and quirky. According to WearYouAt, folks in Seattle buy more designer sunglasses than everyone else in the United States. If it rains so much,, why do they do that?
Apparently, they do this because they can be unexpectedly bombarded with glare from the sun coming out from the clouds. Some may blame Seattle’s weirdness on invisible vibes sent out by the iconic Space Needle. Whatever the reason, the residents of Seattle know where to go when they want to buy, trade, or sell something odd, or get that wacky gig. They just go to Craigslist Seattle for everything wild and wonderful available in this trendy port town. Starbucks and Amazon.com got started in Seattle, so there’s bound to be some interesting characters around, specifically on Craigslist.
Here are some of the Wackiest Ads on Craigslist Seattle:
Adopt a Batcat
Who wouldn’t want to adopt BeBop aka Batcat? This wacky adorable ad, Sweet independent vocal boy seeks comfy bed for his retirement, http://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/pet/5684917407.html, features an amazing cat that looks just like Batman! The post says ” Don’t let that imposing mask fool you, Bebop is one terrific cat!” the poster states. He does look like he is wearing a cowl and according to the ad is quite the distinguished gentlemen.
Gory Flesh Fake-Out Kit
This seller has everything you could ask for to create some “fake blisters, Fake blisters, fake cuts and wounds” and “Expose plaque on your teeth, simulate tooth decay, smell with your mouth, test for saliva digestion and make an ear wax detector.” All this can be yours with the Weird Science Body Works kit, http://seattle.craigslist.org/kit/tag/5660420923.html. It comes highly recommended as “It’s fun to get gross and scare your friends.”
There’s An App for That
If you’ve wanted to quit smoking and need a fast $50, a research facility, New $50 for a 75-minute interview regarding smoking app at Fred Hutch, http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cpg/5690529519.html, want to interview folks who try out their stop smoking mobile app. The ad states that you will be only paid “If selected and show up on time” so no stopping for a quick cigarette on the way. Will the $50 bill actually be “New”?
Elite Cleaning Gig
If you’ve ever wanted to hob nob with well-connected society women on a yacht, what better way accomplish this than by serving and cleaning up after them? This ad, Cleaner for a Champagne Soiree, http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/dmg/5688220549.html, states that this cleaning/serving gig is a “Great opportunity to build resume, network with some elite socialites, and support an excellent cause!” If, as the ad states, “all proceeds go to charity” and you get the chance to “support an excellent cause”,does the hired help gets to keep his or her $100 payment?
They Have Trainers for This
Don’t even think about applying for this gig unless you own your own Pokemon Trainer or Ash Ketchum costume. This ad, Seeking a Pokemon trainer for a video today, http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/tlg/5684445930.html. The scene is being shot today, which according to post was 7/15–so you’d better hurry as it was a few days ago.
Code Words
This ad for a regular old Elegant Tan Queen Bed – $549, http://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/fud/5659285460.html, seems sane and ordinary–until you look at the random words printed underneath the main description, “America ready dream sameness boxed helps damask neighboring 1a737ix6555h ehr relinquish juster lawn overpowered. mention entertainment vegetation sovereign serving countenances unequal required regularity condemnation face stunned haunted. sparingly times open abound house rum trace littleness therein addressing rev topic reciter accounting reprieve purity has sister repenting aimed moment talker court rains.” What do these cryptic words at the end of the word mean, and why did the poster place them there?
Home Alone Sweater
It’s amazing that someone would want to part with this lovely sweater, bearing a quote from a movie within the movie “Home Alone”. It is black and white with reindeer and expresses a tender sentiment of the season, “Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal”. It was ordered online and too small for the seller, so this titled Ugly Christmas Sweater NEW, http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/clo/5676255685.html, is going for just $15.