15 Home Garages Transformed Into Beautiful Living Spaces

living space made from garage

Living spaces are some of the most important places in any home. Whether you like to entertain, or simply enjoy having a comfortable place to watch TV, there’s a pretty good chance that the living room in your home gets a lot of use. Depending on the size of your family, however, one living space might not be enough. Think about it, there are probably countless times where people in your house are fighting over what to watch and where to sit, and sometimes there seems to be no solution in sight. Although everyone isn’t fortunate enough to have extra space, for those who do, creating another living space might not be such a bad idea.

You’re probably wondering how on earth there could possibly be any extra space when all of the rooms in your home are likely already taken but the answer is simple: your garage. Sure, some people wouldn’t be able to get by without using their garage to store cars and other belongings, but for those who can manage without parking their cars in a garage, this space might be a great place to create additional living space.

From lavish to simple, people have found plenty of cool and creative ways to turn their garages into some very impressive living rooms. Fighting over who gets to watch what might just become a thing of the past.

Here are 15 home garages transformed into living spaces.

modern garage living space

image via acrylo.tumblr.com

trendy garage living space

image via curbed.com

living spaces transformed from garage

image via houzz.com

modern converted garage living space

image via hgtv.com

prefab garage living room

image via www.cybball.com

garage living room

image via www.thepartnerstrust.com

contemporary garage living room

image via woodz.co

blue garage living space

image via https://br.pinterest.com/Dgb1116/

living room with leather couch

image via dc.urbanturf.com

simple garage living room

image via www.princetoncap.com

basic garage living space

image via www.refresheddesigns.com

garage living room design

image via homeenergysaver.ning.com

converted garage space

image via www.angieslist.com

modern garage living space idea

image via www.cleverseal.com

garage conversion

image via brit.co

lead image via www.podushek.net


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