Sell Property Smart in 2017: Things that Could Turn off Potential Buyers

Selling a home is usually a touch-and-go affair – but it gets even more precarious if you’re set on marketing your property to young and home-hungry buyers. Unlike previous generations, young house hunters today know a real estate bargain when they see one, and they can spot a money pit as easily, too. For this reason, you should brace your real estate for the preliminary viewing if you want to sell it fast and for a fortune. But while an odd upgrade will help up your real estate’s value and marketability, it’s the small oversights that can wreck your odds of speedy sale. That’s why taking care of the issues that can turn off homebuyers is as important as choosing the right home upgrades. If you wan to max out your home’s sale figures and trim DOM time, check out the list of the biggest red flags that will make a potential homebuyer turn on their heel and walk out right there at the front door.

1. Outdated Windows

Nothing screams real estate murder louder than outdated windows. Even first-time homebuyers know that single-glazed windows leak heat like a sieve, and they won’t exactly be thrilled by the idea of losing a small fortune to exorbitant utility costs during the heating season.

If your budget allows for the update, it would be a smart move to have double- or triple-glazed windows fitted in place of old ones. Also, be sure to check all the windows on your property for cracks and signs of peeling paint and lock defects and take the steps to repair visible damage that could turn off a potential homebuyer.

2. Defected Plumbing

Plumbing defects can be a real deal breaker, especially if your property has over a decade under its belt. Leaky faucets and broken or dented pipes are a byword for moisture and mold buildup, and young house hunters know that such issues can set them back a few thousand dollars if they take them lightly during preliminary home viewing. To stay on the safe side of the dotted line, it would be wise to have experienced plumbers check the water supply and all the outlets on your property and repair any damage homebuyers could use to bring down final sale figures or stall the negotiations.

3. Wi-Fi Limitations

Young homebuyers are avid internet users and they want their home-to-be to have ready access to the web, so it may be a wise idea to arm your property with high-speed Wi-Fi. When choosing the internet provider, be sure to cross-compare service prices and ratings: not every internet service advertised as super-speedy is stable. This is why you’d better be careful when selecting the package and opt for the one that’s reliable 24/7, even if it’s in the slower lane.

4. Clutter and Grime

Even if your home looks bang-on perfect from the structural standpoint, it can still turn away an interested homebuyer if you let your hard-core hoarding habits show during the viewing. Before you give would-be homeowners a tour of the premises, be sure to take out the clutter and wipe the floors and hardware clean. Although cleanliness won’t increase your home’s market value or its square footage, it may win over a hesitant buyer and persuade them to sign the contract for your property and not your grime-loving neighbor’s home. If you want to hack the spring clean like a pro, you can hire professional cleaners and stagers to help you up on your home’s visual game.

5. Pest Infestations

While love for the environment is an asset when it comes to structure and appliances, it may go amiss if you allow it to spread to bugs, rodents, and other creepy crawlies that may invade your property. An odd cricket and ant is a normal sight in homes (especially those with a garden), but full-blown pest infestations are a huge red flag that will send homebuyers running for cover in a flash. To reduce risk of unsuccessful sale and cut DOM, you can hire pest control experts to go over your property with a fine-tooth comb and make sure potential buyers don’t catch a glimpse of unwanted subtenants and decide to make their home investment elsewhere.

The beauty of a home, sweet home may be in the eye of the beholder, but do be aware that the young beholder has the money and knows its value, too. It’s a competitive market out there, so make sure to take down the red flags if you want to sell your property sans delays or lower than expected sales calls in the mix. Good luck!



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