20 Very Cool Modern Beds For Your Room

curved white bed design

Modern isn’t a word that most of us even think of when it comes to beds. In many of our minds, beds have been pretty much the same way forever, and there’s not really anything new about them. After all, when’s the last time you saw a bed that made you do a double take? Probably never. However, like everything else, beds can come in modern designs and styles, many of which will definitely grab your attention.

From various colors, to cool features, modern beds definitely have a lot to offer. Since your bed is easily one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home, it should go without saying that you should want a bed that is comfortable and attractive. No matter what type of look you enjoy, there is a modern bed out there that will be perfect for your space. If you’ve been looking for a way to help your bedroom feel a little more interesting, these modern beds might just do the trick. After a long day, resting in one of these beds will be the perfect way to wind down.

Here are 20 very cool modern beds for your room.

unique white bed

image via www.comfyco.com

cloth gray colored bed

image via houzz.com

modern bed with wooden headboard

image via www.zweite.info

modern canopy bed with light undernearth

image via decoist.com

bed on wooden platform

image via www.gartex.info

wooden bed with attached end tables

image via www.yliving.com

floating wooden bed

image via molotilo.com

modern bedroom furniture

image via www.cadomodern.com

brown cloth bed design

image via digsdigs.com

wavy platform bed

image via mwbr.ctfoodblog.com

modern blue bed with unique design

image fym.mx

modern platform queen bed

image via pynprice.com

black bed with unique frame

image via epas.favoratlanta.com

contemporary platform bed

image via www.laflat.com

contemporary round bed design

image via www.simplelifeprattle.com

modern and elegant bed frame

image via artlogus.com

modern bed with unique headboard

image via www.designitalia.com

contemporary black bed design

image via www.pics4world.com

bed frame with square lights

image via homeazy.com

contemporary bed with lights

image via www.shreindesign.com

lead image via www.modernmiami.com


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