Many consumers look to Craigslist to swing a sweet bargain on a collectible or find temporary work. The city of Phoenix, with its hot weather and interesting characters, has plenty of Craigslist Phoenix postings to reflect the desires and needs of their inhabitants. But like most any large city, Phoenix has its fair share of strange people. So we decided to take a look at some ads that aren’t quite conventional.
Here are the 10 craziest ads from Craigslist Phoenix:
1. More Honest Than Hacking?
Why open up your own Facebook account when you can rent someone else’s This poster Will pay up to $650 to rent your Facebook account
The ad specifies that they will not need access to any personal info, they just need to seven people to open and account where there company can advertise. All they want is to use the account on behalf of their clients, which begs the question why pay someone $50 to open the account, and up to three hundred dollars afterward. They are looking for willing folks to “join their team,” yet they don’t specify what type of team or what sort of product they are selling. Still, it’s good that at least they are asking permission to rent the account instead of just picking random people to “friend” and spam.
2. Life Sharer Wanted: This “roommate wanted” ad is simply headlined $1
The ad features a cartoon with characters that resemble Ike from South Park, with a caption: “It’s Not Much But It’s All I Have” with one character extending a heart to the other. The poster wants a female surprisingly between 55 and 65 years old. to share his or her life, to be a roommate, traveling companion and and have an honest relationship. The responded doesn’t have to be wealthy or even have a job, according to the ad. It’s also okay if the potential roomie has a car, but it’s okay if they don’t. The ad specifies no sex expected. The ad is closed with one word “Love”. Quite a bargain for just one dollar.
3. Last One Left in a Hurry? Room Available Immediately
The picture in the ad shows an empty closet with empty hangers all askew as if someone grabbed their stuff in a mad dash and ran. They say the household is “very chill” and requires the applicant to house share to be “420 Friendly”, which is Craigslist code for someone who enjoys indulging in a certain herb, according to Urban Dictionary.
4. Saliva Collector
The poster is hoping to procure some “weekly suppliers” for his fetish. The person wil pay $20 for each expectoration. The buyer does insist on a photo, as you can never be too careful. If you don’t send a picture, the ad poster is adamant that he or she will not reply.
5. Lasting Love: Gold Wedding Ring
The barter hunter claims the ring is detailed with roman numerals that “stand for eternity”. The seller wants to trade it for a firearm that they can “keep a long time”. The lister does ad that he or she has a new ring, in case readers wanted to know.
6. Beware Ladies New House Chanute Pass
The poster tells a long story about a landlord who “plays mind games” and is “controlling and bossy”. The ad includes juicy gossip about how well he gets along with his step-son, along with a rambling description of his odd behavior. The writer of the ad claims that there is a lot of drama going on and that he or she can be contacted for more details. “Think Twice, Be Careful” is the warning as something is “not right”.
7. Drug Test Cheats: “For Sale” under Health and Beauty
If you are being tested for drug use to get a job, why try to clean out in time? The ad author says that often doesn’t work. For just $10 you can get some clean urine to take care of the job. The supplier guarantees that is is 100% real human urine, as if it were a hard to come by commodity. The poster adds that “Its not worth losing a job over,” but advocates using someone else’s urine instead of advising not to use drugs in the first place. There are also competing ads with urine for sale in surrounding areas.
8. “Weaves a Feeling of Mysterious Isolation”
The lister claims the back of the box promises that it is more fun than reading a mystery book, and the owner of this mysterious board says it “works well”; however, what that exactly means seems up to interested buyers to discover. The seller does disclose that the board can be used for either entertainment of seances, whichever you dare.
9. Almost Terrified but Clean
The man who is seeking housing says “there’s no weird or creepy past or history of aggression or instability,” and that he values life. If someone is worried about him being too amazing, he assures that he is “not trying to be voted ‘Most Popular’ or the ‘One with the Most Toys.’ He is also very clean and doesn’t like “animals that bite”. So he’s not panicking yet, but judging from al of the self-disclosure in the post–he’s close.
10. Papal Comics: For Sale
Pope John Paul has Marvel adventures in a comic series that details the late Pontiff’s life from his childhood right up to the details of the attempt on His Holiness’ life. In case you are in doubt that such comics exist, the seller has a picture of the cover featuring St. Peter’s successor. There are also “Cloak and Dagger” and “Dr. Strange” comics included in the collection so if you are a devout Catholic or love mystery and/or sci-fi, there is something for everyone in this old comic offer.