Over the years, Craigslist has become a very popular way for people to buy and sell things quickly. Unlike other websites, Craigslist allows users to post and communicate at no charge. Craigslist offers postings for things like electronics, clothing, furniture, cars, and jobs. While this is great (who doesn’t love to save money?), it also opens the door for people to misuse the website. I’m sure you’ve heard at least one Craigslist horror story, and unfortunately there are dozens out there. Although Craigslist can be a great tool, it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into before agreeing to meet up with anyone. After all, your safety should always be your number one concern. Keep reading for 5 things to be careful of when shopping on Craigslist Tennessee.
People offering to pay you via PayPal or wire transfer
When you buy and sell things on Craigslist, transactions should be completed face-to-face and with cash. Although some people will insist that another form of payment will work best, this is a huge red flag. In fact, there are several scams on Craigslist Tennessee that involve people wiring and transferring money only to receive nothing in return.
People asking you to ship things
There are lots of websites where people are supposed to ship the items they’re selling; Craigslist isn’t one of them. If you’re a seller and a buyer wants you to ship an item – it’s a red flag. If you’re a buyer, and the seller wants to ship you the item – don’t give them your address. Craigslist is meant for local transactions, so if a person can’t meet face-to-face there’s a problem.
Prices that are too good to be true
Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of good deals on Craigslist. However, in most cases, when a price is really too good to be true, it is. For example, if a game console that retails for $300 brand new, is on Craigslist for $50 dollars, you’re probably looking at a fake posting.
People asking for personal information
If you grew up in the 90s/early 2000s, you know that it’s never a good idea to give out too much personal information online. You never really know who you’re talking to on the other end. But sometimes when people are eager to make a sale or buy something they really want, they get a little lax. Well, I’m here to tell you this: don’t do it. If someone is asking you for personal information such as your address or bank account – don’t tell them anything.
People asking to meet in strange places
This is probably a no brainer to most people, but it’s always good to reiterate. When you’re making transactions on Craigslist Tennessee, it’s important to meet in a VERY public place. By public place, I don’t mean in a dark corner of a parking lot either. Try to actually go inside of a place where there are other people.