One of the most popular members of famous Kardashian family, Kendall Jenner has her own unique interests and pursuits. She is much more than just a reality star. In fact, her modeling career has earned her a spot on the Forbes’ list of highest paid models. She has modeled for brands like Victoria’s Secret and Estee Lauder. In addition to her modeling, Jenner is one of the most followed individuals on social media.
However, she also has interests that may not be known as widely. One notable passion that she has is interior design. Of course, people with the wealth and fortune of Jenner tend to live in fabulous mansions. What sets Jenner apart is the fact that she takes a greater role in the décor and furniture in her house.
With her incredible sense of style, it is unsurprising that Jenner is a skilled interior designer. One of her most notable additions to her home is the Boa from Edra. The Boa is no ordinary couch, and most people would pass it by for this reason and for its heavy price tag. However, Jenner clearly appreciated the style and quality of this expensive couch.
The maker of the Boa couch, Edra seeks to produce high-end furniture for a variety of spaces and individuals. This company is devoted to producing pieces that are stylish, comfortable, and versatile. They specialize in unique, modern styling that is tempered with a human touch to produce great comfort.
Although many of Edra’s pieces look unconventional, this furniture is far from removed from the human experience. Instead, Edra takes great care to research new materials and technology in order to produce superior comfort. The technology that drives Edra products makes them more refined, expressive, and comfortable. As well, the materials that are used for the products are pushing the boundaries of comfort. What truly sets this company apart from others is its desire to adapt to the unique style of any customer. Edra couches are intended to complement relaxed, sophisticated, modern, and minimalist styles.
The Boa
One item that certainly fits this description is the Boa. This couch offers a unique design that not only gives it a visceral appeal, but also provides comfort in ways that traditional couches simply cannot. It was constructed with high-end materials and crafted with a human touch in order to provide the best lounging experience possible while retaining its incredible look. These factors undoubtedly caught Jenner’s eye.
The most striking aspect of the couch is its unique design. As its name suggests, the couch resembles a pile of entangled boa constrictors. It was designed by Fernando and Humberto Campana.
The couch has an nontraditional construction. It is composed of four 30-meter tubes that are entwined in order to provide for versatile lounging. Therefore, the couch does not have a frame; its 120 total meters of tubing provide its entire body.
The look of entangled tubes mixed with its shimmering material makes this couch appear both stylish and inviting. It provides a relaxed and sophisticated addition to any room. Jenner has stated that its “groovy” design fits perfectly with her home.
The Boa is not merely a couch that provides a unique and comfortable appeal. It is also incredibly comfortable and soft. This is mainly due to the filling of its tubes. Each of the tubes is filled with polyurethane stuffing. This polymer material is highly popular for a variety of purposes, from clothing like Spandex to carpeting. It is especially beloved for its durability, and was chosen for this couch because of its exceptional breathability and flexibility.
Interestingly, polyurethane is not the only material used in the Boa’s tubes. For a touch of luxury, there are also goose feathers placed inside the tubing. These are the details that make Edra stand out from other designers.
However, the tubes would not be enjoyed without a soft covering. This couch uses a fine blue velvet cover for each tube, which provides several effects. Firstly, it ensures an unparalleled softness. Secondly, it produces a bright and inviting appearance. The materials and design complement each other to produce a unique and incredible piece.
As stated above, the flexible and soft material used in the couch’s tubing produces an incredibly luxurious lounging experience. However, its design also contributes to the comfort. This is because without a frame, the couch can be enjoyed in as many positions as the mind can imagine. Lounging on the couch can be done in any number of ways, from lying atop the tubes to sitting in between or even underneath.
Edra’s goal in producing this couch is not merely to create a piece that will fit in stylish homes like Jenner’s. It also is intended to allow people to explore new positions with great comfort. While most couches require an upright seated position, the Boa encourages greater creativity and freedom while relaxing.
Naturally, a couch that features such incredible design and materials was not put together overnight. Jenner, and anyone else who purchases this incredible piece, will definitely sense the care and passion required to assemble the couch.
Putting the Boa together is a difficult process. It requires four people to be working simultaneously for at least a week. The stuffing and covering of the tubes is done by hand. As well, the final weaving is a process that takes two entire days to complete. It is this type of care and thoughtfulness that give the Boa its quality, comfort, and human touch.
After seeing the many benefits of the couch, most people would probably love to have the piece in their home. However, it may be a product that only wealthy individuals like Jenner will get to enjoy in their homes. Jenner was able to purchase this piece for an impressive $52,000.
Kendall Jenner is an individual with a fantastic sense of style. This sense has led her to be a highly sought-after model, wildly popular social media figure, and talented interior designer. It also led her to the Boa by Edra.
The Boa is a one-of-a-kind couch with a unique design. Its four intertwined tubes create the appearance of a nest of boa constrictors. However, its high-end materials and soft velvet covering make this couch incredibly comfortable, soft, and pleasing to the eye.
While spending $52,000 on a couch may seem slightly ridiculous, pieces like the Boa might just be worth the price. The look, versatility, and comfort of the Boa is just about unparalleled.