The Ultimate Guide For Buying a Washing Machine in 2016


There are a wide range of washing machines out there on the open market with a wide range of features for a wide range of users. Furthermore, it is important to note that more and more features are being added on a constant basis as household appliance manufacturers continue to make use of more and more advanced techniques and technologies, with examples ranging from built-in sinks to smart washing machines that can be controlled with a mobile app for maximum energy efficiency. (1) As a result, choosing the right washing machine is much easier said than done.

Nonetheless, it has to be done. After all, if you manage to choose the right washing machine for you, you can expect an experience that is as convenient as possible without breaking your budget in the process, which is important because those savings can be put to much better uses elsewhere. Fortunately, if you are not sure where you should start, there is a wealth of information out there on the Internet that you can tap for insight.

How Can You Choose the Right Washing Machine?


First and foremost, you should make sure to measure the dimensions of your doorways as well as the space where you will be putting your washing machine so that you know what you can and cannot bring into your home. For example, if you are short on space, you should get a washer and dryer combo with one stacked on top of the other, thus letting you use up less lateral space by using up more vertical space. Please note that you need to consider whether you will have enough space both when your washer and dryer are closed and when they are open. (2)

Check your flooring

Depending on the floor that you have chosen to host your washing machine, there are a number of other considerations as well. For example, you might have to get a relatively lightweight washing machine if you are planning to put it on one of your higher floors in case your floor cannot support too much weight. Similarly, you might want to get a washing machine with less vibration if you are planning to put it on one of your higher floors because of the noise it will make while it is in use. (2)

Size Considerations

If you have a lot of laundry to do, you are going to need a bigger washing machine with more capacity. In contrast, if you are just going to use your washing machine for the laundry of a single person, you can probably get away with buying something smaller. With that said, it is important to note that a household with a smaller washing machine can handle more laundry just fine so long as its members are willing to spend more of their time and effort on doing the laundry. (2)


Your budgets

Cost is probably one of the most important considerations. However, you should not just consider the initial cost needed to buy the washing machine but also how much it will cost to operate throughout its expected useful lifespan. This is important because if an energy-efficient washing machine costs more than its less efficient counterparts but uses less energy for each load, it can actually be cheaper in the long run because the savings from each load will add up over time. Please note that choosing an energy-efficient washing machine is particularly important if you are either eco-friendly or just want to cut down on your electricity and water use because of high rates for your utilities. (2)

Top and Front Loaders

Comparing top loaders with front loaders is probably something that will come up in the selection process. Generally speaking, top loaders provide better performance than front loaders, but this is reversed when comparing the best makes and models of each design. However, it should be noted that some people find top loaders more accessible because of they will not have to bend down, while other people find front loaders more accessible because they will not have to reach up. Always choose something that you and your family can use because increased accessibility means a better life as well as a safer life. (3)

Extra features

Finally, you need to consider whether you really need extra features on your washing machine or not. After all, while it is nice to have the most advanced make and model that can be found on the open market, more features mean a higher price. As a result, if you know from your usual laundry habits that you will not actually be making much use of a particular feature, consider saving on your spending by buying a simpler washing machine. (3)


Further Considerations

You are the one who knows what you want from your washing machine better than anyone else. As a result, while all of the factors mentioned here are important, you are the one who will have to prioritize some of them over the rest based on your needs and circumstances. For example, if either you or someone in your family uses a wheelchair, you are going to want to prioritize getting a front loader before the rest of the factors because you want to make sure that your washing machine is as accessible as possible. Similarly, if you are looking in running as eco-friendly a household as possible, you should be interested in the energy efficiency of your washing machine as well as other features meant to support such a lifestyle.

Ultimately, you are the right person to choose the right washing machine for you, though you should not hesitate to consult the staff at the stores that you visit for more information if you feel that you need a gap in your knowledge to be filled-in before you can make a fully-informed decision. Alternatively, you should not hesitate to check out Consumer Reports, the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program as well as other online resources such as review sites for the information about particular makes and models that you need to make the right choice for you.




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