You May Be Wondering Why This Guy Put a Window in his Kitchen Floor: Sheer Genius

So at first glance you might think a person would put a window in their kitchen for something along the lines of a bomb shelter or some kind of escape route in case of a fire right? Think again. While we love simple home upgrades like lighting fixtures or even jets added to a tub, what some people do goes well beyond what many would consider to be a “fun” or “luxurious” upgrade.  Some people have the skills and imagination that only some like Bruce Wayne would have.  For example, this man put in what we would consider to be one of the coolest home upgrades we’ve ever seen.

Just looks kind of weird from this angle doesn’t it?


Nope it’s not an escape hatch


It’s a Spiral Staircase wine cellar!


Hint: Do NOT drink wine before going down there


Images via Houzz


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