The Top 10 School Districts in North Carolina

People who are either currently raising a family or at least planning to in the near future look for homes that are located within the best possible school districts. In determining which are among the top rated, there are considerations to be made. These include the size of the school and the safety of the area. There are other factors which figure in to the overall quality of a school district. These are the grades which are assigned for academics; culture and diversity; health and safety; parent and student surveys on their overall experience with the school district; teachers; resources and facilities; clubs and activities, and sports programs. Each of these components are important for choosing the best school district for your children to attend.

Some rank higher than others and it is common for smaller school districts to have a more intimate setting with a higher degree of individual attention paid to students. This is not to say that the larger ones are not as good or in some cases better, but student to teacher ratio has some bearing on the amount of individualized attention that you can expect your child to receive. Overall, the schools in this state rank fairly high in comparison with national averages. The rating scale is comparable to those given to students with A+ being the highest possible, C is average and anything below a C is below average.

Here are the top ten school districts in North Carolina and their overall ratings.

1. Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools in Chapel Hill, NC

This school district has the highest overall ratings of the school districts in the state of North Carolina. It was given an A+ for excellence in academics and for teacher ratings. as well as for college readiness programs. The school district has been rated with a grade of A for its cultural diversity and for clubs and activities. It is ranked with an A- in resources and facilities and administrations. A B+ grade is given for sports programs and health and safety and a B- for food. The parent and student ranking is a 3.8 out of a possible 5 points with regard to satisfaction with their overall experience in the school out of one hundred and twenty one respondents. The Chapel Hill-Carboro City Schools excel with above average ratings in all aspects, placing it as number one in the top ten schools in North Carolina.

2. Asheville City Schools in Asheville, NC

Asheville City Schools come in second place in the state with a grade of A+ in Culture and Diversity; an A in Academics; an A- for teachers, clubs and activities; a B+ grade for teir sports programs; a B- in resources and facilities and a C+ for health and safety. The parent and student surveys give the school an overall ranking of 4.0 out of a possible 5 points provided by thirty nine respondents.

3. Watauga County Schools in Boone, NC

Watauga County Schools rank third in the state with an A grade in Academics and teachers; an A- in health and safety; a B in culture and diversity and resources and facilities; a B- in sports programs and a C+ for clubs and activities. Parent and student surveys rank the school with a 4.0 out of 5 from thirty six respondents.

4. Union County Public Schools in Monroe, NC

Union County Public Schools have achieved the status of number four in the top ten schools in the state of North Carolina. They are given an A in academics; an A- in culture and diversity, teachers and health and safety; a B in resources and facilities and sports programs and a B- in clubs and activities. Parent and student surveys give the school a 3.9 out of 5 based on the rankings from four hundred and nineteen respondents.

5. Wake County Schools in Cary, NC

This school district is ranked as number five in the top ten school districts in North Carolina. They are given an A+ for culture and diversity; an A for academics; an A- for resources and facilities and teachers; a B+ for sports programs and clubs and activities and a B- for health and safety. The parent and student surveys rank the school district with a 3.9 out of 5 as provided by one thousand four hundred and fifty respondents.

6. Orange County Schools in Hillsborough, NC

Orange County Schools rank number six in the top 10 school districts in North Carolina. They are given an A in academics and culture and diversity; an A- for their sports programs and clubs and activities and a B+ for health and safety, teachers and resources and facilities. Parents and student surveys rank the school with a 4.0 out of a possible five based upon ninety one respondents.

7. Mooresville City Schools in Mooresville, NC

The Mooresville City Schools are ranked as the seventh best of the top ten school districts in the state of North Carolina. They are given a grade of A for academics; A- in health and safety,diversity and culture and teachers; B+ for their sports programs and resources and facilities and a B for health and safety and clubs and activities. Parent and student surveys rank the school witha 3.9 score out of a possible 5 as rated by fifty one respondents.

8. Mount Airy City Schools in Mount Airy, NC

Mount Airy City Schools are ranked as the 8th best school district in the top ten for North Carolina. They are given a grade of A- for academics, culture and diversity, health and safety, teachers and theri sports programs. A grade of B+ is given for clubs and activities and a grade of B for resources and facilities. Parent and student surveys rank them with a 4.0 out of five given by fifteen respondents.

9. Carteret County Public Schools in Beaufort, NC

Carteret County Public Schools ranks ninth in the state of North Carolina. They are given a grade of A for acadeics, their sports programs and clubs and activities. They aer rated with a B+ for teachers and culture and diversity and a B- for health and safety and resources and facilities. Parent and student surveys rank the schools with a 4.0 out of 5 based on eighty nine respondents.

10. Polk County Schools in Columbus, NC

Polk County Schools are number ten in the top ten school districts in North Carolina. They are given a grade of A for health and safety; an A- for academics and teachers; a B+ for resources and facilities and culture and diversity and a B- for teir sports programs and clubs and activities. Parent and student surveys ranked the school district with a 4.3 rating out of a possible 5 based on the input of ten respondents.


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