15 Times People Discovered Their Partner Wasn’t That Smart

Andrii Bicher/Getty

Have you ever had that sudden realization that your significant other might not be the sharpest tool in the shed? You’re not alone. Many people have shared their hilariously cringe-worthy relationship epiphanies on Reddit, and we’ve gathered some of the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) moments. Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even feel a little better about your dating history. Here are 15 stories that perfectly capture the moment when people realized they were dating an idiot.

The Photosynthesis Believer


One Redditor discovered their partner genuinely believed humans could survive solely by photosynthesis if they had enough willpower. It’s clear some folks are more in touch with their plant side than with reality!

The Ocean-to-Moon Traveler


Another person’s significant other argued that the best way to reach the moon was by building a spaceship that could fly underwater through the ocean. We can’t help but wonder where that spaceship would dock.

The Rainfall Revelation


A cruise-goer was shocked when their ex-partner expressed genuine surprise that it rained over the ocean, thinking there was already enough water. How do you even explain the water cycle to someone who believes ocean water is immune to rain?

The Daffodil Dilemma


After talking about his love for daffodils, a guy was baffled when his partner asked if they were a type of animal. A plant enthusiast’s strangest nightmare: trying to convince someone that daffodils aren’t part of the animal kingdom.

The One-Country Continent


Ever argued with someone who thought Africa was a single country for half an hour? One woman did, and it’s the kind of confusion that makes you wonder if she skipped geography class entirely or just thought world maps were a conspiracy.

The Cow Confusion


A woman cut her run short because an animal charged at her. When asked what it looked like, she described it as “a cow, but brown.” It was, in fact, a simple cow. Guess the cow’s color was the real mystery!

The Windmill Wonder


Someone shared that their partner, upon seeing a windmill on a windy day, suggested it was too windy and that the windmill should be turned down. Maybe it’s time to think outside the box and invent a windmill remote.

The Headless Horseman Confusion


A woman thought the headless horseman was the one who rode through Lexington and Concord shouting, “The British are coming!” It feels like we might be onto the most confusing historical mix-up, or maybe she thought Halloween came early.

The Linguine Lingerie


Imagine calling lingerie “linguine” because you thought of pasta. One man did, and it’s hard not to wonder how he confused a piece of clothing with Italian cuisine. Sounds like a classic case of food on the brain instead of love. 

The Albino Duck


A Redditor’s girlfriend called a dove an “Albino duck” and was promptly corrected by her partner. The real question, though, is how do you explain basic bird identification to someone who confuses a duck with a dove?’

The Percent Problem


Someone had to explain to their grown partner that 20% isn’t always equivalent to $20. We’re all for math learning, but isn’t it surprising when such elementary concepts need clarification?

The Secure Password


A woman believed her password was secure because it was a string of random numbers—her social security number. Feels like she was really just trying to confuse people with the least secure password ever.

The Celsius and Fahrenheit Conundrum


One person couldn’t convince their partner that Celsius and Fahrenheit measure temperature differently. She thought Celsius meant cold and Fahrenheit meant hot. In our humble opinion, she gets a point for at least knowing they’re both temperatures.

The Plastic Plant Waterer


A man watched his girlfriend water her plastic plant repeatedly, not realizing it was fake. If he hadn’t said anything, she might have watered it to oblivion, thinking it was a low-maintenance pet or something.

The Pasteurized Milk


While driving past a field of cows, a woman asked if milk was called pasteurized because the cows were raised in a pasture. We’re glad her partner put a ring on it because that’s one insane way to milk a joke, for all it’s worth.


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