One of the biggest American dreams that’s still alive is finding that perfect home. While that dream has shifted in recent years, home ownership is still extremely popular. And by shift I’m not referring to home ownership itself but rather the types of homes that people wish to have. It used to be the white house with the picked fence, two kids, and a dog story. Most people strive to own a nice 3 bedroom colonial with a garage. Or some hope to hit the jackpot by landing a glorious mansion. But lately, a new movement has swept the nation. That movement is called the Tiny House movement.
Small, sustainable homes that offer all of the amenities of a regular home are being made at a rapid pace around the world. The benefits of these homes is that they are a fraction of the cost of traditional homes that people are accustomed to living in. Below are some pictures of what these homes hold and you will be amazed at what these tiny spaces can actually fit. These Houston-built homes prove that not everything is bigger in Texas. In fact, smaller is often much much better!

Some of these homes can be just 19 feet tall.
The cost of the home is $200-320 per linear foot. Homes average in the 14-24 foot range.
For that price you get roofing, insulation, plumbing, and more.
The homes usually carry a 40 year warranty
Check out that kitchen!
Gorgeous master bedroom
Luxury style shower
Photos via Arched Cabins