The Unexpected Possibilities of Alien Life


When we imagine aliens, we often think of humanoid figures or strange creatures from sci-fi movies. However, imagine aliens thriving on a chemical system different from the carbon-based life forms we know. Could life on other planets be based on silicon, ammonia, or something we’re yet to discover? What strange and wondrous forms might alien beings take if built on an unknown foundation? Let’s discover some possibilities of extraterrestrial life that may defy our expectations.

Life on Earth and Beyond

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Curiosity and Perseverance rovers have confirmed that ancient Mars was wet, warm, and potentially habitable for microbial life. While it’s still unclear if life began and evolved there, if a second genesis occurred in our solar system (in Mars, Europa, or Enceladus), it suggests that life could be common across the universe. Two origins of life in one solar system imply that the possibilities are beyond our imagination.

Cosmic Indicators


Tracking such life forms required adopting unconventional measures, like NASA’s LAB initiative, which aimed at tackling the challenge of identifying unfamiliar forms of life. Unlike traditional methods focused on specific biochemistry, LAB searches for fundamental indicators like complex molecular arrangements and unusual concentrations of molecules on celestial bodies. These clues serve as proxies for life forms that defy conventional understanding.

A Possibility of Comproportionation Cycles


Potentially, comproportionation cycles might prolong these life forms. Researchers have evolved a method to simulate these cycles as a laboratory-tested technique. It primarily involves generating multiple copies of a molecule. These, in turn, serve as starting materials to keep the process going, thus ultimately leading to a self-sufficient chain of chemical events.

Autocatalytic Reactions Across Elements

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Scientists examined two centuries of records across languages to study comproportionation cycles. They identified 270 autocatalytic reactions involving rare elements like mercury and thorium and extreme temperatures and pressures. Surprisingly, some cycles even included noble gasses, typically dormant. This suggests autocatalysis may be more widespread across elements. Most cycles were simple, two-reaction processes, but combining different cycles could lead to complex, self-sustaining diverse molecules.

The DNA Factor


Recent research, also supported by NASA, explored the potential for alien life to use genetic codes with different bases, including synthetic DNA with unique bases like P, Z, B, and S, alongside traditional ones. Scientists have also experimented with XNA, altering genetic strands to use molecules like cyclohexene or glycol instead of deoxyribose. Speculation includes the possibility of alien life utilizing silicon or other elements instead of carbon. It suggests a more creative and diverse universe than our current understanding.

Cellular Origins of Extraterrestrial Life

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Spotting single-cell life from Earth poses challenges. However, scientists are searching for evidence of calcium carbonate formations left by microbes in dried-up hot springs, as suggested in a 2019 study in Astrobiology. According to experts, if alien life evolved in multicellular forms, it’s unlikely they would resemble humans due to unique Earth-based evolution and environmental factors. Alien organisms might exhibit animal-like traits such as eyes or limbs due to convergent evolution but could differ significantly beyond these superficial similarities.

Searching for Signs of Alien Life

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The quest for extraterrestrial life deeply integrates into NASA’s broader goals and spans multiple disciplines. Discoveries like the watery plumes from Saturn and Jupiter’s moons reveal inner water worlds. The Kepler mission’s identification of thousands of exoplanets significantly expands our understanding of distant planets. To simplify, Astrobiology’s primary aim is to uncover evidence of life beyond Earth amidst the countless mysteries of the solar systems, galaxies, and the vast cosmos itself.


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