15 Subtle Signs Your Friendship Might Need Some TLC

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Friendships are like flowers—they need nurturing to bloom. But what happens when those blooms start to wilt? Here are 15 subtle signs telling you your friendship is on the rocks and might need some mending.

You’re the Only One Reaching Out

SHVETS production/Pexels

Remember when you both couldn’t wait to share every detail of the day? Now, it feels as if you’re the only one hitting the “send” button. In that case, a friend might be moonwalking out of your life.

Cancelation Calamity

Tirachard Kumtanom/Pexels

Suddenly, the bestie has more excuses than a kid who didn’t do their homework. “Sorry, can’t make it” becomes their catchphrase, and it’s getting old. Once hangouts are canceled more often than usual, it’s high time to face the chilly truth.

The Deep Convo Drough

George Milton/Pexels

Gone are the days of deep, soul-baring talks. Now, instant chats feel more akin to cumbersome elevator small talk. These folks may be emotionally tuning out if their questions never go beyond mundane questions like “How’s the weather?”

Zero Bonding Trips

Sam Lion/Pexels

There’s excitement and anticipation in the air when you and a friend can picture yourselves having many moments together in the future. However, it might be a sign if those discussions about your future intentions abruptly stop or cease entirely.

Betrayal Blues

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

Trust is the foundation of any solid attachment. It’s the invisible glue that binds two people together, allowing for vulnerability, comfort, and shared experiences. A lie or betrayal shatters that confidence in the other person.

The One-Sided Show

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

Trying to have a heart-to-heart? Watch as your friend dodges emotional topics. A friendship should give and take. These people can build walls rather than bridges if they continually shift the topic or respond incoherently.

Social Media Hiatus

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Social media can reflect real-life relationships. If they unfollow or ban you suddenly, it’s like having a door slammed in your face, only in digital form. Getting unfriended is often the modern-day equivalent of a friendship restraining order.

Drama Queen or King


Friends are supposed to be a source of support, not stress. It can become draining and unhealthy if your comrade regularly infuses drama into your life. Even worse, they might be stirring up drama to push you away.

The Exclusion Zone


Being left out of the group is a depressing experience. There’s a big problem if a person or a large friend group starts excluding you from plans or social gatherings. 

Your Vibe, Their Problem

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

You deserve to be around people who’ve got your back, not drag you down. Should your friend’s negativity consistently depress you, it may be opportune to reevaluate the relationship as soon as possible.  

The Great Avoid-ance

Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Seeing a pal out in public used to be fun until they purposely walked the opposite way to dodge saying hi. If a friend goes out of their way to avoid you, it’s a clear sign that something’s wrong.  

All Talk, No Action

Anete Lusina/Pexels

Instant replies used to be the norm between you. But nowadays, some texts seem to have entered a black hole, emerging days later with a half-hearted response. When conversations start to lag, your chum might be dialing down on friendship.

Toxic Ties

Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

A true-blue buddy uplifts and supports you, not brings you down. However, if that companionship is bringing you ongoing grief, worry, or sadness, it might be toxic. Remember that a toxic friendship can inflict equally harmful emotional wounds.  

Awkward Antics


Uncomfortable silences during hangouts can indicate that something is off. What used to be loud laughs are now crickets and tumbleweeds. A genuine association involves easygoing conversation and shared laughter. Cut the awkward silence short and talk to them if something’s up.

Drifting Apart

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Physical distance can sometimes create emotional distance. There’s cause for concern if a companion starts appearing detached, especially if they’re physically around you. 


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