See How Homeowners Turned the Birchwood Home Into a Net-Zero Building

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Like its name suggests, a net zero building is a building with a net energy consumption of zero. (1) This does not mean that it does not use energy to power its systems, just that it is also producing enough energy at the same time through renewable sources such as solar and wind to make up for that energy use. Other names for a net zero building include but are not limited to zero-energy buildings, zero net energy buildings, and net-zero energy buildings.

Why Are Net Zero Buildings So Important?

From a societal perspective, net zero buildings are important because they reduce the burden placed on the power grid. This is important because more and more people are using up more and more energy, meaning that there is a constant need to increase the capacity of the power grid, which is not just an expensive prospect but also a laborious and time-consuming one. By encouraging the use of net zero buildings, societies can make their existing power grids capable of providing for more people. Something that is particularly important because power grids that have reached their limit have been known to fail in times of particular stress with serious consequences for those who were counting upon them.

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Furthermore, it is important to note that net zero buildings tend to become so by making use of all the energy-efficient techniques and technologies that can be found, which is important because those techniques and technologies reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that they produce in the process of being used. As a result, net zero buildings emit much less pollution into their surroundings, which is not just important for the health and happiness of those living in the local environment but also for the well-being of the human species as a whole. After all, greenhouse gases are contributing to the phenomenon of climate change, which is already producing enormous changes in countries all around the world, which will compel enormous costs from those who are forced to adjust to those changes from their previous ways of life.

Of course, it is also important to note that net zero buildings can be just as beneficial for their owners as they are for their societies as a whole. For example, a net zero building actually produces more renewable energy than what it will be using up in the course of its operation, meaning that the owner of a net zero building will never have to pay for energy and might actually be able to earn a small sum in each period for the excess that is being produced through their renewable sources. Furthermore, the various energy-efficient techniques and technologies used to make a net zero building come with a wide range of benefits, including but not limited to a more comfortable living environment, more breathable air, and even the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the owner is making a positive difference, however small in the grand scheme of things, in the world. Summed up, it is clear that a net zero building is beneficial to both its owner and society as a whole.

How Did Its Homeowners Turn the Birchwood Home Into a Net Zero Building?

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As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that net zero buildings have been springing up in a wide range of places in a wide range of countries. One such example is the Birchwood Home in Whatcom County, Washington, which is the first certified building of its kind that can be found in said county. (2) However, what makes it particularly interesting is the fact that it was not built from the bottom up as a net zero building but renovated into one through the time and effort of its owners

In short, the Birchwood Home started out with energy-efficient systems as well as a source of solar power to reduce the burden that it put on the power grid. However, while it was certainly more energy-efficient than most of its counterparts throughout the United States, it was nowhere near the point where it could be considered a net zero building. When its new owners bought the Birchwood Home, they wanted to make it even more energy-efficient than it was, which took a fair amount of creativity on their part. For example, since the home already had solar panels installed for the sake of collecting solar energy, they could not install more solar panels. Instead, they chose other measures such as further reducing their use of energy by switching out the light bulbs for LEDs and improving heat retention with better insulation as well as a heat recovery system. In other words, they did not let the failure of any single solution stop them, but instead chose to approach the problem from another angle, thus showing exactly the sort of lateral thinking needed to handle such a complicated and multi-faceted problem.

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The result speaks for itself. Birchwood Home is the first building in Whatcom County, Washington to be certified as a net zero building. While it is not the first of its kind, it is nonetheless a pioneer even in a state that is famous for its concern about the environment. As a result, it could be considered a sign of what is to come in the years ahead as technological progress continues to make us better and better prepared to handle the challenges associated with the specter of climate change.

What Does This Mean For the Future?

While the Birchwood Home is interesting in that it is a sign of progress, it is also interesting in that it shows that a building does not have to start out as a net zero building for it to be made into one. As a result, it should spur on similar projects to the one taken on by its owners, whether because the owners of other buildings are interested in reducing their costs or in reducing their impact on the environment or both at the same time, because it is a much-needed sign of hope that such a thing can be done.

Pictures via Sustainable Connections




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