Encountering a serpent can be a heart-pounding experience, but knowing what to do in the event of a bite can make all the difference between life and death. Understanding the dos and don’ts is essential, whether in the wild or in your backyard. Here’s a comprehensive guide to lead you through this potentially dangerous situation.
Stay Calm

The first and most important thing to do is to stay calm. Panicking can increase your heart rate and speed up the spread of venom through your bloodstream. Take slow, deep breaths to maintain your composure and focus on the necessary steps.
Identify the Snake

Try to identify the serpent without getting too close. This will guide professionals to administer the appropriate antivenom. Note its size, color patterns, and any distinguishing features to aid in accurate identification.
Keep the Bite Below Heart Level

If you’re bitten on an arm or leg, keep it below heart level to slow the spread of venom through the bloodstream. Raising the affected limb can help reduce swelling and minimize the venom’s systemic effects.
Sanitize the Wound

To reduce the chances of infection, clean the affected area with soap and water. Avoid vigorously scrubbing the wound, as this could exacerbate the injury and heighten the risk of complications.
Remove Tight Articles

If your injury is near a tight piece of clothing or jewelry, remove it to prevent further constriction. Cutting off circulation to the affected area can impede the body’s healing process.
Apply a Bandage

Protect the area from dirt and bacteria by covering it with a clean, dry bandage. Ensure the bandage is applied snugly but not too tightly, as excessive pressure can impair blood flow and tissue perfusion.
Do Not Apply a Tourniquet

Applying a tourniquet can cut off blood flow and lead to more issues. It’s best to avoid this unless necessary and under the guidance of physicians. A tourniquet should only be considered as a last resort in cases of severe envenomation and imminent danger of systemic toxicity.
Do Not Attempt to Suck out the Venom

Contrary to popular belief, sucking out the venom with your mouth is ineffective and can introduce bacteria into the wound. This old-fashioned method fails to remove significant venom, increasing the chance of secondary infection and transmission of oral pathogens.
Do Not Apply Ice

It is not advisable to apply ice because it can exacerbate the injury and cause more trouble. The cold can constrict blood vessels and impair circulation, resulting in local tissue ischemia and necrosis.
Do Not Consume Booze

Alcohol thins the blood and increases bleeding, which can aggravate the effects of venom. Additionally, alcohol consumption may impair judgment and coordination, making it more difficult to respond effectively to the situation.
Seek Medical Help Immediately

Even if the injury seems minor, seeking a quick treatment is essential. Ophidian venoms vary, and some can cause severe symptoms rapidly. Prompt clinical intervention is critical to prevent complications and ensure the best outcome.
Stay Still and Keep the Bite Immobilized

Limit movement as much as possible to prevent the venom from spreading quickly through the body. Immobilizing the affected limb can help minimize the systemic absorption of venom and reduce the risk of widespread tissue damage.
Monitor Vital Signs

Monitor the victim’s vital signs, such as pulse and breathing rate, and be prepared to administer CPR if necessary. Monitoring vital signs allows for early detection of any deterioration in the patient’s condition and facilitates timely intervention by doctors.
Be Prepared to Describe the Snake

Give physicians as much information as possible about the serpent’s size, color, and distinctive markings. This information will assist healthcare providers in selecting the appropriate antivenom and managing the patient’s care effectively.
Follow Medical Advice

Once in the care of doctors, follow their instructions carefully for the best chance of recovery. Adhering to clinical advice ensures that the patient receives optimal treatment and support throughout recovery, minimizing the possibility of complications and promoting a speedy recovery.