Some places in the United States see more natural disasters than others. For example, the East Coast has its hurricanes, the West Coast has its earthquakes, and the Midwest has its tornadoes. However, there is no U.S. homeowner that should not put some time and effort into making sure that their home is prepared for such contingencies because there are natural disasters such as fires and floods that can strike at all places at all times.
Fortunately, there is a remarkable range of products out there that can be used to weather-proof a home for fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. Some of these products use the latest inventions and innovations in order to come up with something new. In contrast, others are tried and true solutions that have proven their usefulness over and over again. Regardless, the existence of these products means that U.S. homeowners should have no problem preparing their homes so long as they are willing to conduct some research before implementing their weather-proofing plans.
Here are some examples of the advancements being made in weather-proofing tech:
Dome Homes
Dome homes are expensive, but considering their benefits, that expense might be worth it for those who live in regions that are particularly prone to natural disasters. In brief, a monolithic dome made as a single piece provides outstanding protection from a wide range of natural disasters, with the most famous example being hurricanes as well as other storms. In part, this is because the high winds cannot catch protruding parts of their exteriors and then use them to tear pieces off of them, which is not something that can be said for their more orthodox counterparts. However, it should also be noted that the dome is one of the strongest shapes that can be found in nature, which is why the monolithic dome is also great for surviving earthquakes as well. In fact, a monolithic dome is so effective at its intended function that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has stated that it is next-to-impervious to even the most powerful hurricanes and tornadoes, which has been proven by multiple examples of such buildings surviving direct contact with natural disasters.
With that said, most forms of earthquake-proofing is much less glamorous than building a monolithic dome from start to finish, though it is interesting to note that our ever-improving understanding of earthquake mechanics is resulting in ever-improving building techniques and technologies. However, the basics remain much the same, seeing as how most earthquake-proofing for homes still consist of anchoring them to strong foundations resting on stable earth, shoring up load-bearing walls that are particularly vulnerable during movement, and making sure that there are contingencies in place to deal with utilities in case a earthquake disrupts. Likewise, earthquake-proofing for the interiors means choosing furniture, furnishings, and other elements that will not become potential hazards in the event of an earthquake, which is something that can take a fair amount of forethought because there is so much that most people take for granted.
Landscaping for Drainage
Flooding is one of the most common natural disasters, which in turn, means that weather-proofing a home from flooding is one of the most popular sub-topics. However, it is interesting to note that the recent rise in environmental consciousness has resulted in eco-friendlier options becoming more and more popular, with the example of landscaping for better drainage being a perfect example. In brief, landscaping in this manner means shaping the land so that rainwater drains away from the home’s foundations rather than towards it while also minimizing the impact on the land’s previous state. This way, homeowners can not just ensure that their homes are protected from basement flooding as well as all of the complications thereof, but also minimize their impact on our shared environment.
Storm Windows
Storm windows are a second set of windows that can be installed either inside or outside of the main windows. As a result, they provide increased protection for the home, which is important because strong winds have been known to shatter glass with terrifying ease before sending them shooting throughout the interior as dangerous projectiles. Better still, a second set of windows is great for increasing the insulation of a home, thus reducing the size of the power bills by making it that much easier to either heat or cool them during the appropriate seasons. Unsurprisingly, storm windows are a time-tested solution, but what is interesting is that they have become better and better at both tasks because of the constant improvements being churned out. For example, some businesses have been making stronger and stronger glass that can withstand bigger and bigger impacts, while other businesses have been coming up with chemical films that are not just simple to use but also effective for reducing the transfer of heat.
Weather Stripping
Weather stripping is another simple but nonetheless important measure that has been seeing improvements in recent times. In short, its importance lies in the fact that both doors and windows can be considered weak points in a home because they result in an imperfect seal. As a result, something is needed to seal up the minute openings around the doors and the windows in order to eliminate those weaknesses, thus improving insulation while also keeping out water and other undesirable substances. Newer weather-stripping are not just longer-lasting but also capable of performing better under a wider range of conditions, which can be important for people living in areas such as seashores with conditions that are famous for eroding traditional building materials.
Final Thoughts
These are no more than some of the technologies being used to weather-proof homes throughout the United States. As a result, there is much more for interested individuals to learn on their own so that the resulting information can be used to guide their weather-proofing plans for their own homes. In this as in other things, said homeowners should make sure to examine the likeliest risks for their regions before prioritizing weather-proofing solutions so as to maximize the benefits from their costs.