While some people enjoy the discounts that Wayfair, Houzz, and other e-commerce stores provide, others a happy to spend their hard earned/inherited money on overpriced showpieces for the home. The sort of thing that makes their guest compelled to say, “what is that”, and open the door for an explanation of how it’s not just a serving dish, it’s a $450 serving dish! Enjoy our list of insanely expensive products for your home.
Design Toscano Tewkesbury Inn Pub
Tewkesbury Inn Pub
Price: $4,527.99
Why go to the bar when you can have it in your home? Bartender not included.
Nambe 2-Piece Infinity Serving Trays by Nambe
Nambe 2-Piece Infinity Serving Trays
Price: $543
There’s no better way to server baby carrots and dip than in an overpriced serving dish. Your guests will be impressed.
Oval Office Presidents’ H.M.S. Resolute Desk
Price: $12,067
Ever want to feel and look like your the President of the United States, but with 99.99999% less responsibility. Well, now’s your chance with this desk.
Induction Dynamics ID1 6.5 Switchable 3-Way/4-Way Tower Speaker Black Gloss
Induction Dynamics ID1 6.5 Switchable 3-Way/4-Way Tower Speaker Black Gloss
Price: $13,877
Weighing in at 247 pounds, this speaker set packs some punch that will put a dent into your bank account.
Retro Projector Decoration
Price: $4,466
Nothing screams “new money” like buying a mass produced fake movie projector, that you can’t use, for the price of a used Ford Focus.