Safe tap water is something that most people in the United States take for granted. After all, the substance is so fundamental to human well-being that it can be challenging for us to imagine it being mismanaged to the extent that it becomes a real threat. However, it is important to remember that the unthinkable can come to pass, as shown by infamous cases such as Flint, Michigan. If you’re going to drink water from the tap then there are certain locations in the U.S. where it’s better to do than others.
Here are the 10 American cities with the safest tap water:
10. Tulsa, Oklahoma
The city of Tulsa in the state of Oklahoma possesses tap water that has low levels of both bacteria and lead. As a result, it is better than the tap water that can be found in most of the cities in the United States, since consuming bacteria can cause an enormous number of serious medical conditions while consuming lead can cause especial harm to the nervous systems of children. However, it should be noted that Tulsa’s tap water has relatively high levels of haloacetic acids, which can cause irritation as well as other more serious medical conditions in those who have been exposed to too much of the substances.
9. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
As it turns out, the tap water in the city of Pittsburgh has lower-than-normal levels of bacteria, which is something that should reassure those who are concerned about falling ill after drinking from their tap. Unfortunately, that same tap water had what can be called average levels of lead and haloacetic acids. As a result, while Pittsburgh has safer tap water than what can be found in most of the cities in the United States, it cannot claim a position at the top of this list.
8. Tampa, Florida
Tampa is interesting in that it makes use of a wide range of water sources, which is important because it has a strong incentive to protect its environment at the same time. However, this increase the challenge of controlling the conditions of its tap water, which might be why it has low levels of bacteria, lead, haloacetic acids, and other contaminants, but not so much so that it can be called outstanding in even a single regard.
7. Las Vegas, Nevada
Given its location in the middle of a desert, it is perhaps no coincidence that the city of Las Vegas puts a fair amount of effort into making sure that its tap water is safe to drink. As a result, its tap water has low turbidity, meaning that there are fewer particles suspended in the fluid compared to the tap water in other cities. However, it should be noted that the tap water in Las Vegas has relatively high levels of haloacetic acids, which is more than enough to make it a matter for serious concern.
6. Boise City, Idaho
It turns out that Boise City has extremely low levels of lead, which is something that should come as welcome news to those who are concerned about the well-being of their children. Otherwise, its tap water is not particularly remarkable, seeing as how it has higher but still not particularly high levels of other contaminants.
5. Birmingham, Alabama
Much lower-than-normal levels of bacteria and lead in the tap water of Birmingham has ensured a respectable spot on this list. However, it is interesting to note that the same tap water also contains a fair amount of particles suspended in the substance, which combines with an average level of haloacetic acids to drag down its score.
4. Miami, Florida
It is interesting to note that Miami gets its drinking water from a series of wells dug into the ground. Combined with a strenuous effort on the part of those entrusted with the safety of its tap water, this setup has ensured lower-than-average levels of potential contaminants across the board, meaning that it should be safe to drink from the taps in the city. There is still room for improvement in Miami, but to be fair, that is something that can be said about all of the cities out there.
3. Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The tap water in Sioux Falls comes from 50 percent surface water and 50 percent well water, which are tested to make sure that it meets all of the relevant standards on both the federal and the state level. As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that the tap water in Sioux Falls has low levels of potential contaminants, meaning that the city is a good choice for people who are concerned about the safety of what comes out of their plumbing.
2. Austin, Texas
Austin has a good reputation as one of the most livable cities not just in the state of Texas but also in the whole of the United States, so it is perhaps unsurprising that it can claim clean tap water as well, which is supported by low levels of potential contaminants such as bacteria, lead, and haloacetic acids. This accomplishment is particularly impressive considering the size of the metropolitan area, which tends to make such matters much more challenging to manage to successfully.
1. Des Moines, Iowa
The city of Des Moines managed to beat out all of the other cities on the list. In main, this is because its tap water had extraordinarily low levels of potentially harmful bacteria. However, it should be noted that its tap water had low levels of other potential contaminants as well, meaning that it simply performed well in all respects.
It is important to remember that circumstances can change with surprising speed. As a result, people who are interested in making sure that their tap water is safe for their use should make sure to keep a close eye on such issues. This way, they can be sure that they will know when something comes up, which in turn, will ensure their health as well as their loved ones’ health.