Night lights are used in millions of home throughout the world for a variety of reasons. They help to soothe children who need a little extra support and they offer additional safety when navigating through rooms in otherwise total darkness. The Humanscope company has reinvented the standard night light to bring us a new smart night light. This company has gotten close to final production and shipping so it’s time to get ready for the launching of this innovative new technology.
Background of the Humanscope company
Steve Copeland is the founder of the Humanscope company. He has been in the business of leading product development teams since 1986, actively involved in new and innovative technology development with his clients. The company is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He works with a crew of top notch professionals in the areas of mechanical design, industrial design and electrical design to bring concepts for new products to live. They are expert at implementing state of the art technologies and creating a memorable brand and their track record stands in firm support of this claim. They help their clients from the inception of the concept through each step of the development process through to marketing. The Aumi night light is their own creation with Mr. Mitchell Thompson taking the credit for the idea of the Aumi light.
What is the Aumi light?
We’ve all seen how traditional night lights can be bulky and unattractive. The Aumi light is here to change this with its’ reinvention of the night light. It is everything that a night light should be and has not been up until this time. The Aumi is a smart device. It is rechargeable, multi-colored and you can control it remotely with your tablet or smart phone. It’s joining the long line of ordinary products that have left their traditional counterparts in a cloud of dust in favor of entering the new age of smart technology.
Amazing versatility
Aumi comes in more than sixteen million color choices which is the most extensive that we’ve ever heard of. It can be programmed to turn on and off automatically, it is also equipped with motion detection technology so it turn on if there is movement in the room. It is truly a multi-functional device that does much more than you ever imagined a night light could. It makes an excellent night light for small children who feel more secure with a light nearby. It can also be used as an accent light.
Aumi specifications
The technology used to create this new smart night light is transformative in nature. The implementation of multiple innovations has delivered high on a new device that takes an ordinary product and makes it responsive to user demands through wireless technology and with a host of unique and useful features.
Wireless technology
It is bluetooth enabled and connects to your smart phone or other devices via a wireless connection. It is equipped with a built in rechargeable battery so you can plug it in to charge or disconnect from power and fold the power prongs neatly within the unit for convenience and portability. You can take it with you anywhere you go. You can even control the brightness and the colors for complete control of the Aumi from wherever you are.
Ease of use
It couldn’t be easier. To get started you just plug the Aumi into an electrical source, download the app and in just a few minutes you’re finished with the setup process. It is designed to be very user friendly. This device is bluetooth enabled. The app is free so you won’t be charged for it.
Motion sensor
The motion detection feature may be enabled or disabled, depending on user preferences. It can be programmed to turn on with any degree of light intensity and in a broad range of colors. The length of time that it is left on can also be chosen by the user.
Aumi App
The app has gained approval for use and is in Google Play and the iOS App store for easy access and downloading.
The built in battery is a rechargeable LiFeP04 battery. It offers eight to ten hours of single charge life when used as a night light. When the intensity is set to the maximum volume in use as an accent light, the average duration on a single charge is four hours.
Smart timer
You can program up to eight timers with each Aumi device. Settings include tun on, turn off, dim or brighten at any time that the users chooses. Colors may also be set to change. These settings will remain active in your app until they are deleted or amended. You can save specific settings patterns so they can be used at a different time if you desire.
The cost of a single unit is set at $39.00 USD. A twin pack is $69.00; a three pack is $99.00 and a full house package of five is $165.00. Shipping is available ot Canada and the United States. The timeline is set for the full launch to occur in December of 2016. From what we have observed there are quite a few pre-orders coming in and this is a good indicator that there is already a strong interest in owning this product.
Final thoughts
The HumanScope company has taken their creative talents and skills to a new level with the Aumi night light. Thanks to the creative genius of Mitch Thompson who had the idea for a smart night light and the engineers and technicians who worked to bring it to life, the world will change in yet another aspect of every day living. Smart devices are the wave of the future and the world has opened a new chapter for inventors who are adding new dimensions of convenience and efficiency to the things that we take for granted. We’re expecting to see great results in the marketing of the Aumi night light as preliminary statistics show that pre-orders are on the rise. We’re looking forward to reading the reviews as they no doubt will start coming in at the early part of January of 2017.