20 Of The Most Relaxing Backyard Designs

stone paved backyard with fountain

Regardless of the size of your backyard, you’ve probably spent a decent amount of time making sure that your space was designed to your liking. During the warmer months, backyards become a place to hang out and entertain guests, and for that reason, most of us want to make sure our spaces look their best. But while having parties in the backyard can be great, sometimes it’s just nice to be able to sit back and relax.

However, like most things in life, coming up with relaxing backyard designs is easier said than done. Whether you want to install a nice fountain, or a cool fire pit, there are countless ways to make your backyard your new favorite place to end the day. Even if you’re not working with a lot of room, there are still lots of ways you can make the most of your space. If you’d like to see your backyard turn into your favorite place to recharge at the end of the day, these awesome ideas will show you just what you can do. From reading to meditating, these backyards are the perfect chill spots.

Here are 20 of the most relaxing backyard designs.

unique small backyard garden

image via HomesCorner.Com

backyard swimming pool with stone fireplace

image via homesthetics.net

peaceful rest area in backyard

image via http://alwaysintrend.com/

backyard area with living space and fireplace

image via livantor.com

backyard living area with furniture

image via http://vieltha.net

inspiring small backyard patio area

image via http://mylovehandmade.com

patio with nice chandelier

image via http://www.mysimplemindedlife.com/

backyard paradise with fire pit and waterfall

image via http://www.ultimatechristoph.com

relaxing outdoor patio with garden

image via amazows.com

garden area with tables and chairs

image via hgtv.com

stone patio with brick ledge

image via Owtdoor.com

small backyard swimming pool with sitting area

image via Zisne.com

backyard with large wooden canopy and wood patio

image via https://patiolandscape.xyz

relaxing japanese style garden in backyard

image via https://www.soothingcompany.com/

backyard makeover with relaxation area

image via http://betterdecoratingbible.com

bright and colorful backyard sitting area

image via http://wowoon.net

beautiful backyard with sitting area

image via datzon.com

asian style deck with decorations

image via ubcisa.com

outdoor sitting area with brick flooring

image via http://mybackyardidea.com

outdoor entertainment area with open fireplace and furniture

image via homedit.com

lead image via digsdigs.com


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