Even from a very young age, inside and outside are pretty easy concepts for most people to grasp. When you’re inside of your house, a car, or some other sort of enclosed structure – you’re inside. When you’re standing out in your yard, or in the woods, or in some other space without walls and a roof – you’re outside. Simple, right? However, what if you were in a space that was both inside and outside at the same time? Sure, that concept is a little bit more difficult to grasp. But, with indoor/outdoor rooms, the concept of being in two places at once is very possible. With these rooms, you can enjoy the best of both worlds at the same time. Indoor/outdoor rooms can provide a nice relaxing place in any home. These amazing rooms can be a great place for entertaining guests and simply enjoying beautiful weather. If you’ve ever been in a room that is both in and out doors, you’ll know just what a cool experience it can be. If you’re still not sold on these very cool, creative, and useful spaces; check out 20 of the most luxurious indoor/outdoor rooms.
(image via www.sundancelandscaping.com)
(image via www.southcoastarchitects.com)
(image via dplandscape.designshuffle.com)
(image via www.idesignarch.com)
(image via theisoe.com)
(image via growingrooms.com.au)
(image via www.decohubs.com)
(image via www.douglasmurrayarchitect.com)
(image via www.metergalery.com)
(image via www.vangviet.com)
(image via meddiodesign.com)
(image via www.home-designing.com)
(image via outdoor-decorating-ideas.blogspot.com)
(image via houzz.com)
(image via ninesixtynine.com)
(image via www.bruceallenarchitect.com)
(image via biddecom.blogspot.com)
(image via www.lindersecurity.com)
(image via www.vectormu.com)
(image via www.goeplan.com)
Lead (image via azlifewave.com)