15 Least Obedient Dog Breeds

JOKER & WITCH/Facebook

Dog breeds differ significantly in obedience and trainability, reflecting their distinct roles and histories. Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers are known for their obedience, often serving as police and guide dogs thanks to their intelligence and trainability. Conversely, breeds labeled as the ‘least obedient’ present different challenges stemming from their breeding history.

Chow Chow


Chow Chows have an aloof and individualistic temperament, which may seem like disobedience. This breed’s smartness and strong-willed nature make them less eager to listen than other breeds. Their thick coats and compact size also make them prone to overheating, affecting their behavior.

Afghan Hound

Mladen Šćekić/Pexels

Afghan Hounds are recognized for their enthusiasm and dignity. They are free-spirited, preferring to explore on their terms, and showing less interest in pleasing owners than other breeds. Their sharp minds and hunting instincts can make them override commands.

Bull Terrier

Jessica Christensen/Pinterest

Bull Terriers are known to be energetic, playful, and sometimes naughty, which can lead to disobedience. This dog’s strong-willed demeanor means they often follow their own desires instead of what they are told. Training them can be tricky due to their high energy and mischievousness.

Basset Hound

Patience Garton/Pexels

With their lovableness and laid-back vibe, Basset Hounds may appear less obedient than other breeds. They have exceptional scent-tracking ability, which often leads to distraction and indifference to orders. Their unique character poses difficulties, demanding time and consistency.


Old World Molossus Victorian Depot/Pinterest

Mastiffs are gentle and protective with a hint of assertiveness, which can be mistaken for disobedience. They think for themselves rather than seeking to obey. Training them demands firmness due to their sensitive and somewhat stubborn nature. Their massive size may lead to slower responses to instructions.


Genadi Yakovlev/Pexels

Beagles have a strong instinct to follow their nose, challenging obedience training. Their stubborn nature requires innovative approaches to training. Additionally, bred to bay during hunts to assist hunters, Beagles retain this vocal tendency and may become fixated on chasing anything they see outside a window. Adequate exercise is essential to prevent destructive behavior.


Daniel Kondrashin/Pexels

Bred for Chinese royalty, these dogs have a regal posture and show less eagerness to please. Their self-determination can challenge lessons, requiring patience, persistence, and positive reinforcement. Understanding their unique character is critical; they can demonstrate obedience while retaining their individuality with the right approach.



The Bloodhound, initially bred for trailing deer and boar, developed an independent mindset crucial for thinking independently during hunts. This trait can manifest as disobedience without proper training today. They are often described as “the definition of the word stubborn.”



Initially bred for wolf hunting in Russia, Borzois may seem less obedient due to their independence. Training them can be challenging as they exhibit a lot of self-will and are easily distracted by their hunting instincts. However, they can learn to follow instructions with consistent training.



With their small size and energy, Chihuahuas may seem disobedient due to their willful nature. They’re intelligent dogs, occasionally testing boundaries. Though they may be less obedient than docile breeds, Chihuahuas can excel in a family environment while retaining their spunk and charm.



Dachshunds are brave, independent, and stubborn. This makes them notoriously challenging to train and housebreak. Lively and intelligent, they require mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom-induced disobedience. Their innate digging instinct may lead them to tear up yards, while their propensity to bark can become excessive without proper stimulation.

Shih Tzu


Shih Tzus are considered companions for Chinese royalty and exhibit aristocratic behavior and occasional bullheadedness. While intelligent and eager to please, their inclination to explore and enjoy their surroundings can overshadow obedience. Practical training requires a lot of time and effort.


Naleen Mudhannayake/Pixabay

This breed’s relaxed demeanor can be mistaken for stubbornness and a lack of command responsiveness. Despite their affection and loyalty, Bulldogs have an independent streak that can pose training issues. Their obedience level reflects their unique personality traits rather than defiance. With the right approach and understanding, Bulldogs can become well-behaved and loving pets.

Lhasa Apso

Sonja Kalee/Pixabay

Lhasa Apsos, bred initially as sentinels in Tibetan monasteries, possesses individualism and assertiveness. Their vigilance and aloofness can overshadow their obedience. Their apparent disobedience often stems from their guard-dog instinct and individualism.


hartono subagio/Pixabay

Pomeranians may exhibit behaviors that seem disobedient. Their liveliness, intelligence, and willfulness can pose training challenges. Successful training requires patience, consistency, and clear communication. Their apparent lack of obedience stems from their zest for life and intrinsic traits, not defiance.


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