This Spider Infested Apartment Will Ruin Your Day

If I see a spider in my home, I generally don’t freak out.  Most times I encounter an 8-legged critter it’s a one and done situation.  Whip out the tissue, make it go splat, be on with your day, and expect the next one to strike in a few months.   However, for all you homeowners out there, this video is an example of something you do NOT want to happen in your home or apartment.

It’s one thing to get an unwelcome guest.  It’s another thing to have a situation the resembles something out of the movie Arachnophobia.  Remember, the best defense against insects is to keep a clean home, always take out the garbage, keep your place as dry as possible, and always be sure to get insect inspections every six months or so.

Otherwise this might happen!


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