Spotted in Cambridge, MA: Hilarious Neighborhood Note Banter


If you live in Cambridge, MA or anywhere in Massachusetts (we’ve seen incredible signs like this in Boston, especially during that nasty winter in 2015) you might recognize a particular “code” that people follow.  It’s actually quite hard to describe.  There’s this unwritten line of communication that residents have and a level of “respect” neighbors have for one another when it comes to the unwritten rules of the neighborhood.

What do I mean here?  I’m talking about how to treat your fellow man or woman.  A person from Cambridge isn’t afraid to leave a little note when they’ve been wronged.  But in this particular case, when the person who is getting the letter feels wronged themselves, they won’t hesitate to fight back or tell the note writer just how wrong they are.

Let’s take this incredible picture that is brought to us by Reddit user Rebecca who was nice enough to share this with me.

My name is Rebecca. I’m a design strategy consultant. On May 21 2015, I was walking to Slumbrew when I spotted these two notes. I was on the border of Somerville and Cambridge. I have no idea who wrote either note. I found the notes to be incredibly passive-aggressive and hilarious. I took a picture and initially posted it on Facebook.  Then I posted them to Reddit.  And now you’ll be posting them to Housely.


What did we tell you about etiquette?  Please pass this picture around if you’re a Massachusetts resident.  It was just too good to pass up.


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