10 Items You Should Always Have In Your Medicine Cabinet

Medicine Cabinet

People flock to medicine cabinets in search of relief.  Meanwhile, most medications are doomed to medicine cabinets to die a slow, painful death. Everyone has eye drops with a worn-out label, penicillin from 1997, and reddish goop that is now unidentifiable but lucky old cough syrup. Amidst all of these vials, caps, bottles and tubes, you cannot find the one item that takes years to go bad: a Band-Aid. Is it time to take inventory on you medical supplies? Other than your prescriptions, do you even know what is in your medicine cabinet? If not, the following is exactly what you need in your cabinet to maintain your daily health and keep the pain away.


As the ideal option for those who need to avoid Aspirin, Acetaminophen helps relieve pain and inflammatory issues. There are pediatric doses available which should also be kept in the medicine cabinet if you have children. Adults consuming these pills should avoid other products that contain the primary ingredient like combination cough-and-cold remedies which can harm the liver if you overdose.


The best antihistamines for allergy relief include, Diphenhydramine, which is found in Benadryl, clemastine, which is in Tavist Allergey 12-Hour Relief, and chlorpheniramine which can be found in Chlor-Trimenton. Each of these ingredients work to relive a runny nose and sneezing but also results in sleepiness. Loratadine, which is found in Claritin, is non-sedating.


Aspirin continues to be the favorite fever reducer and painkiller. However, many find it too irritating to be able to stomach and need a medicine that is friendlier with their body. Also, due to the ingredients, Aspirin can interfere with blood clotting so those who are going to have surgery in the near future or are taking blood thinners cannot consume this product. Also, children and teenagers are advised not to take Aspirin since it is linked to Reye’s syndrome, in younger individuals, which is a rare condition related to liver and brain swelling.

Calamine Lotion

Although old-fashioned, this pink liquid can sooth itching brought on by rashes and other types of bites. It also acts to quickly dry up weepy rashes such as those you get from poisonous plants like poison ivy. If you have active children, this is a must-have for the medicine cabinet.

Cough Medicine

If you occasional have a dry, hacking cough, it is important to keep dextromethorphan cough suppressant in your cabinet. The big-name brands, such as Robitussin Maximum strength Cough and Pertussin, can aid in this discomfort. If you have a cough that is producing mucus then use a guaifenesin to loosen the secretions. Big-name brands include Benylin Expectorant Formula and Robitussin PE. If your cough lasts for more than a week with this medicine or is accompanied by a fever, this could be the sign of pneumonia or bronchitis so make sure to seek a doctor for an official diagnosis.

Medical Tape

If you or your children are active in sports, medical tape is a necessity for your medicine cabinet. Medical tape will hold any gauze you have on from an injury in place. For those with sensitive skin, keep hypoallergenic medical tape in your cabinet. If the gauze tape is applied to a leg, finger or arm, it can be wrapped with a non-glue cloth wrap which sticks to itself without the need for medical tape. Johnson and Johnson sells an excellent product named Hurt Free Tape in two widths. This type of medical tape is comfortable for adults and children.


If you have red burning eyes or simply get something caught in your eye that is causing discomfort, the worst action to take is to rub your eyes. The best way to proceed is to use eye drops that contain antihistamine and decongestant such as Naphcon A and Opcon A. These active ingredients can help sooth itchy eyes to prevent you from further worsening the issue.


Ibuprofen brands, such as Advil and Motrin, as well as naproxen sodium brands like Aleve and Naprosyn, act as effective painkillers for children over 12 and adults. There is also a children’s formula, for kids under 12, on the market made by Motrin. Similar to Aspirin, any Ibuprofen products run the risk of irritating your stomach. Those who consume three or more drinks per day should consult a doctor prior to using Ibuprofen as these types of painkillers can cause additional problems when mixed.


Both Maalox and Mylanta act as a temporary pain relief for digestive problems. If you have gas, stomach aches or cramps or any other type of discomfort in your abdomen, these products can significantly help you with the pain. These are critical to keep in your cabinet on the off-chance you become painfully gassy. You do not want to have to take a trip to the pharmacy or grocery store when in this condition.


Although this is not one of the most crucial medicines in your cabinet, Tagamet, Pepcid, Prilosec or Prevacid are medications that you should keep in you cabinet for a rainy day. These products decrease acid secretion for those who are suffering from random heartburn as a result of spicy food or beverage. However, if you suffer from chronic heartburn, you should immediately seek a doctor to determine the root cause, the type of drug that is best suited for this ailment or even if dietary changes can make a difference.

These are the primary items that every individual should have in their medicine cabinet for a rainy day. When injury or minor health issues strike, it is always best to be prepare with the remedies for you and your family. With spring rapidly approaching alongside allergy weather, it is important hold these medications as well as tweezers, toothpaste, floss, an eyeglass repair kit and dental repair kit. All of the items on this list can be purchased at your local drugstore or grocery store for a minimal cost but can really be a major relief for your ailment.





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