Did You Know You Could 3D Print An Entire Building?


The world is changing at such a rapid pace. A person from the 1950s would not recognize our current society with the amazing advances in technology and architecture. We’ve all been hearing about the new 3D technology that has been developed. Refinements continue in this new and exciting field that is making leaps and bounds in leading into a new reality for construction of objects through the use of computer programs and materials. We have now entered the age of 3D printing of buildings and we have examples which stand to show the tremendous progress which has been made in this new and exciting field. We’re going to take a closer look at the technology and the finished product.

New focus for engineers

We’re going to start with the WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Company. This Chinese based company has pursued their interest in the expansion of 3D printing and they’ve achieved some pretty impressive results. They have accomplished the construction of ten houses through the use of 3D printing in less than twenty four hours. Their most impressive accomplishment has been the construction of what is currently known as the tallest 3D printed building in the world. They have also created a mansion which is inclusive of amazing decor inside and out measuring 1100 square meters and an apartment block that is five stories.

Breaking through barriers

What would have once been considered as a fantasy or something out of a science fiction novel is now a reality. We see in this early prototypes the tremendous potential for expansion of the use of this technology and what it could mean for our society. It could transform the way that we use space and create new structures. The implications for the construction industry are far reaching and it sparks the question of how such transformation would have both its benefits and its downside.

Impact on employment industry wide

The Use of 3D technology could change the skill and educational requirements for those actively engaged in the planning and construction of buildings. While there would still be a need for the skills or architects to use high tech software in the creation of building plans, the way that laborers approach the job may be significantly altered. Questions arise such as what would the role of construction laborers look like? Would this increase jobs or as so many technological advances do, would it reduce their numbers? These may be a bit pre-emptive but are worth consideration given the speed at which this new construction tool is advancing.

How 3D printed buildings are currently constructed

The WinSun company uses 3D printer which are 10 by 6.6 meters tall to build the layers of the buildings by making materials such as cement, glass fiber, hardening agents, steel and recycled construction waste available for the complex machinery to use. The printer goes to work from the blueprints which are supplied and prints out sizeable sections of the building. These are assembled in the same manner that prefab homes are built. They are not actually producing the entire building without the use of human laborers, but they are speeding the process from raw materials.

Meeting compliance standards

If you’re wondering about the quality of the sections which are rendered through the 3D printing process, the buildings which have been constructed so far have passed all of the rigorous requirements. The quality is definitely there and there is even capacity to attend to the most minute details with regard to decor both interior and exterior. This in itself is a bit mind blowing. Since 3D building printing is a brand new field, standards have not yet been established to address this particular type of construction, but there are plans to do so in the near future to ensure that each meets the same quality standards as those which are made through more traditional methods.

What does the future hold for 3D printing and construction?

We’re told that WinSun has already made plans for future expansion. What they’ve already done is fairly impressive and they have no intentions of slowing down on the forward progress that has been achieved so far. The 3D printed mansion that was created serves as a prototype and they have already agreed to proceed with the construction of ten additional units for a real estate company in Taiwan. The cost for these mansions will be approximately one hundred and sixty thousand dollars per unit. The Tomson Group (Taiwanese realtors) see the tremendous potential of the new technology and are jumping in on the ground floor in hopes of reaping rich benefits within their industry.

WinSun is signing new contracts left and right which are intended as experimental in the area of construction. On a very exciting note, the Egyptian government has placed an order for twenty thousand 3D printed buildings from Winsun Global which is a collaboration between WinSun and an American company that has the intention of getting in on the action while it is still early in the game. There are plans to continue experimentation with a goal of finding the means for creating a new type of cost efficient home that will help in meeting the needs of low income families who are living in the Middle East and African regions.

Final thoughts

3D building construction is proving to be a successful venture, although still in its’ infancy stage, we’re seeing the proof that it is not only possible, it is happening. There are current plans in place to take this technology to the limits. So far, the results have been nothing short of amazing. The potential for more cost effective design and construction of building components is a major driver that is drawing large corporations into the fray which will further fund the research that will expand development of newer and yet better ways of quickly and cheaply manufacturing houses and other buildings for a variety of purposes. It appears that we’ve just taken one giant leap forward. This is an exciting time to be on the planet and we’re staying tuned as we expect to hear more about 3D printed buildings in the near future.


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