15 Useful Tips on How to Grow Tomatoes in Your Garden


Tomatoes have considerable levels of vitamins C, K, and A, including lycopene, an antioxidant with many health benefits. Also, these low-calorie vegetables have high dietary fiber content that helps with digestion. Besides their nutritional benefits, people grow them often because you can eat them raw or fit them into many dishes. However, these plants are fragile and need special care and attention to blossom. Here are 15 valuable tips on growing tomatoes in your garden, including specific information on planting, growing, and caring for them.

Choose the Right Variety


The first step to successfully growing tomatoes anywhere in the world is to choose the varieties best suited to your climate and needs. Early Girl and Glacier do well in cooler areas, while Celebrity and Big Beef grow just fine in moderate weather conditions. Likewise, pick Solar Fire for hot climates, Bella Rosa for humid conditions, and San Marzano for coastal regions. Early Girl and Roma are ideal if you’re growing for slicing, canning, or making sauce, while Big Boy goes well with large, meaty beefsteaks. 

Prepare the Soil


Tomatoes prefer well-drained, loose, crumbly soil because heavy clay soils retain too much water, causing root rot. A pH level between 6.0 and 7.0 supports nutrient availability for tomatoes. If the natural soil in your garden isn’t good enough, consider using raised beds or containers filled with a high-quality potting mix formulated for vegetables. You should also remove weeds, rocks, or debris from the planting area.

Plant at the Right Time


These vegetables usually do well between 55 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live in a warm region, plant tomatoes when soil temperatures reach at least 60°F (15°C). If you live in colder areas, start your tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the frost passes. Then, transplant seedlings outdoors after the frost has passed and the soil is warmer.

Plant Deeply


To get the best yield when harvest comes, plant tomatoes deep, burying two-thirds of the stem so the roots can spread out and develop well. This method works for all tomato varieties. After removing lower leaves from a hardened-off plant, please place them in a hole or trench with only the top leaves above soil level.

Propagate Tomatoes With Seed or Suckers

Natalia Kuzina/Getty

Gardeners often prefer to start tomatoes from seed indoors or buy seedlings they can transplant directly in the garden. You can plant suckers directly in soil or place them in water in a sunny spot until roots develop (about 3-4 weeks), then plant. Likewise, growing tomatoes in pots is also possible, especially with compact determinate varieties. Use a container at least 14 inches in diameter, fill it with quality potting mix, provide 8 hours of sunlight daily, support it with a trellis, and ensure regular watering and fertilization.

Harden Off Seedlings

Zbynek Pospisil/Getty

This step involves familiarizing your seedlings with outdoor conditions over a week or two before planting them outside. The gradual exposure toughens the plants, reducing transplant shock. You can start about 7-10 days before transplanting into the garden when daytime temperatures consistently reach at least 60-65°F (15-18°C). After placing seedlings outdoors in a sheltered, shaded area for 2-3 hours, increase outdoor exposure by adding 1-2 hours daily.

Provide Adequate Light

Amazing Nature Photography/Getty

If tomatoes receive less than 6 hours of sunlight, they may show signs like slow growth, leggy stems, fewer flowers, and reduced fruit production. They blossom in full sun, which means they need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. If you’re growing indoors, use grow lights that can supplement natural light, providing tomatoes with at least 14-16 hours of light daily. Lastly, ensure you rotate container-grown tomatoes often so all sides of the plant can receive equal exposure.

Water Consistently Without Overwatering


Depending on weather conditions, soil type, and current growth stage, your tomatoes should receive 1–2 inches of water each week. Don’t wait for the soil to dry out, especially during hot weather. Also, try to water deep often so the roots don’t suffer. If you want a schedule you can easily follow, water in the morning to reduce evaporation and disease risks.

Remember to Prune Suckers

Anastasiia Yanishevska/Getty

Removing the small shoots (suckers) growing in the “V” junction between the main stem and branches on indeterminate varieties is one of the easiest ways to prune tomatoes. This method helps prevent inferior fruits while directing more nutrients into fruit production. For determinate tomatoes, prune only the bottom suckers. You can also use the Missouri pruning method, which trims just the sucker tips, to protect fruit from sunburn and reduce plant shock. When pruning, ensure the tools are sharp and the plants aren’t wet.

Embrace Mulching

Backyard Boho Beach/Facebook

Applying mulch to your tomato plants can help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and prevent weeds. You’ll need organic mulch from straw, shredded leaves, grass clippings, wood chips, or compost. Before applying, wear gloves, ensure the soil is moist, water the plants well, and remove any weeds and debris around the base of your plants. Spread a layer of mulch 2-3 inches thick around the base, and remember to replace it often.

Support Your Plants By Staking or Caging


This step helps to keep the fruit off the ground [from weeds, pests, and soil diseases] while improving air circulation. For staking, drive 6-8 foot wooden or metal stakes about 1-2 feet deep into the soil, 3-4 inches from the plant’s base. Then, loosely tie the plant’s main stem to the support with soft garden ties, cloth strips, or twine. You can also build cages around the tomato plant to keep the branches within the cage as they grow.

Use the Right Fertilizers in the Right Amount


An NPK  fertilizer of 10-10-10 (equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) or 5-10-5 (low nitrogen, high phosphorus, and low potassium) works well for tomatoes. You can also use an organic option like compost or well-rotted manure. To apply, mix the fertilizer into the soil before planting, working it into the top 6-8 inches of soil. Afterward, place a handful of compost or a slow-release fertilizer into each planting hole. Once the plants start to set fruit, apply fertilizer every 3-4 weeks, sprinkling it around the base of the plant and adding enough water.

Keep an Eye Out for Pests and Diseases


Aphids, tomato hornworms, and cutworms are pests that love your tomatoes as much as you do. You can control aphids (tiny white bugs) and others with insecticidal soap or neem oil, but you’ll have to stop when the fruit sets. For diseases such as blight, the appropriate organic or chemical treatments can manage these issues. 

Harvest the Right Way

Igor Barilo/Getty

Although allowing tomatoes to ripen on the vine yields the best flavor, you can also pick green tomatoes once they reach their mature size, allowing them to ripen indoors. To harvest, hold the fruit with one hand while supporting the stem with the other, then pull gently to break the stalk above the tiny green leaves where the fruit connects to the stem. You can also use scissors or pruners but try to be gentle.

Store Properly After Harvest


As refrigeration can lower tomatoes’ flavor and texture, storing them on the table or the countertop, away from direct sunlight, is ideal. Arrange them in a single layer, stem side up, on a flat surface, and avoid stacking them on top of each other. If your tomatoes are already ripe and you don’t plan to have them within a day or two, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to a week.


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