15 Worst Cat Breeds for First-Time Owners

“~Beautiful White Persian Cat at the Cat Fancier’s Show~” by ~Sage~ is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Having a cat is a unique experience, with ups and downs. Cats are special—they can be affectionate but also enjoy their alone time, curious but sometimes shy, and intelligent but can make silly decisions. However, owning a kitten isn’t always easy. Some felines are trickier for new owners. Here’s a list of 15 worst cat breeds for first-time cat owners!


“Edgar the Bombay cat doing yoga” by WFMU is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Bombay cats resemble mini panthers; they might even believe they are one! They’re playful and energetic, so get ready for some rough fun. While they’re not usually aggressive—they can play rough, which might leave you with scratches and nips. They might also get jumpy around loud noises or unexpected things, so families with little kids might want to choose a different cat breed.


A bengal cat laying on a couch
Photo by Helena Jankovičová Kováčová on Pexels

Bengal cats are lovely and exotic, often turning heads wherever they go. But owning one is more than just having a mini leopard at home. Bengals are super active and need plenty of playtime and affection. They’re smart, meaning they can get bored quickly if not stimulated enough. Keeping them entertained is critical to avoiding problems. Because of their high energy and demanding nature, Bengal cats aren’t the best choice for new cat owners.


“F1 Savannah cat FOCUS and cat scratcher/toy” by broadsurf is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Imagine stumbling upon a leopard in the wild—would you rush to give it a hug? Hopefully not! So why treat a Savannah cat any differently? These cats aren’t keen on cuddles and will make it clear in no uncertain terms. They’re independent, preferring owners who respect their need for space. If you’re new to cat parenting, you might struggle with their aloofness and end up stocking up on Band-Aids due to their reluctance to affection.


“Grey Persian Cat – Chilerito” by Magnus Bråth is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Persian cats are super affectionate and devoted, making them perfect companions for emotional support. There’s nothing quite like having one of these fluffy buddies snuggled up on your lap. Why are they mentioned here? Allergies. If you’re even a little sensitive to cats, a Persian will make it crystal clear. They have more of the allergy-causing protein in their fur than any other breed, so expect lots of red eyes and sniffles if you bring one home.


Brown Sphynx Cat in Close-Up Photography
Photo by Ekaterina Kanunnikova on Pexels

The Sphynx cat stands out for its lack of fur, making it easily recognizable. Thanks to social media, they’re becoming increasingly popular, showcasing their quirky personalities and unusual looks. But owning a Sphynx comes with its challenges. They need frequent baths to keep their skin healthy, although they’re usually not any more excited about baths than other cats.

Egyptian Mau

“Egyptian Mau Bronze” by liz west from Boxborough, MA is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Egyptian Mau is undeniably stunning, but they can be a handful. They’re known to be possessive of their stuff, and you might end up with a scratched hand if you try to take away their toys or treats. They’re not very outgoing—but their calm demeanor can mask a bit of a temper. Nevertheless, they form deep bonds with their families, so their less pleasant side might only come out when you have visitors around.


“Korat cat wikipedia” by Jacques Julien Photo is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Korats are pretty uncommon, and that might be a good thing because not everyone is ready to have one at home. They love calm environments and will demand them. They might react aggressively if they don’t get their peace and quiet. They might be a better match for folks who enjoy a quiet lifestyle on their own. But if there are kids in the house, having a Korat around could lead to some problems.

Turkish Van

“Turkish Van Example2” by null is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

The Turkish Van cat is a rare breed, loved for its playful personality and cleverness. They crave attention and don’t do well being left alone for too long. While they’re social and enjoy company—they used to have a reputation for being quite aggressive towards other animals and people. Over time, breeders have worked to reduce this trait, but they still need lots of love and care from their human family.

Turkish Angora

“Turkish Angora in Ankara Zoo (AOÇ)” by Ankarakediler is licensed under CC BY 3.0

The Turkish Angora is another rare cat breed that’s rarely spotted. It is famous for its playful yet devoted and affectionate demeanor. These cats love being around their humans and are quite athletic—needing plenty of play to stay happy. They’re intelligent problem solvers, which can sometimes lead to mischief. Like their cousin, the Turkish Van, Turkish Angoras used to have a reputation for being aggressive.


Brown Cat
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

The Siamese cat tends to form strong bonds with one person in the family and might get a bit feisty if someone else tries to join their cuddle session. This can be tricky if you have kids or are not the chosen snuggle buddy. What’s worse, getting them to change this behavior is pretty tough, especially if you’re not experienced in cat training.

American Whitehair

“American Wirehair cat tired” by Petful.com is licensed under CC BY 2.0

American Wirehairs might seem like fluffy bundles of cuddles, but their cuteness comes with a catch. They’re quite independent and might not always enjoy being picked up and snuggled. They’ll let you know when they’ve had enough, but they won’t necessarily give you a heads-up beforehand. They’re particularly sensitive around strangers—you might need to keep them away in a separate room when guests visit.

Devon Rex

“Devon rex” by Bebopscrx is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

The Devon Rex is a one-of-a-kind cat with an unusual head shape and a curly, soft coat. They’re playful and fearless, needing lots of play every day. If they get bored—they can become quite naughty and lively. They don’t do well being alone for long stretches and prefer homes where someone is usually around. When they’re not stimulated enough, they might resort to biting or mischief to get attention.


“singapura drain cat” by Wahj is licensed under CC BY 2.0

You might feel tempted to bring home a Singapura because their unique appearance sets them apart from other breeds. But, beware! They’re quite stubborn and easily startled. If you catch them off guard—they might respond with scratches and bites. Plus, they tend to hide if they’re not properly socialized so you might end up with a cat that’s rarely seen. The only clue to their presence might be the disappearing food from their bowl.

Scottish Fold

Woman Holding Her Orange and White Cat
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Scottish Folds often win over first-time owners with their cute folded ears and squished faces. But, some end up regretting their decision later on. Similar to Siamese cats—Scottish Folds tend to bond closely with one family member, ignoring everyone else. They prefer the person who feeds them and doesn’t pay much attention to others. Plus, they’re not fans of other pets, so don’t be shocked if your new cat ignores your dog!


“Himalayan Cat” by Joseph Morris is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The Himalayan cat is known for its affectionate and loyal nature—making it a great fit for homes where someone is often around. They’re calm and enjoy being with their humans. However, what catches many first-time cat owners off guard is the amount of grooming Himalayans need. Like Persians, they have long fur and flat faces, requiring daily brushing and regular cleaning of their face and eyes to keep them healthy and happy.