10 Signs Your Husband Is an Emotional Bully

Close-up of Old Bearded Angry Man
Photo by Nicola Barts on Pexels

Identifying abuse can be very tricky—especially emotional abuse, which often involves subtle mind games. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if you’re dealing with typical relationship issues or if your husband is manipulating you. Luckily, there are signs to look out for to recognize if your husband is emotionally abusive. In here, we’ll discuss ten signs your husband is an emotional bully.

He gets angry with you a lot

Man in Blue Suit Jacket Holding Black Smartphone
Photo by Tiger Lily on Pexels

Passion in a relationship should bring intimacy, joy, and a feeling of warmth from your partner’s love. Contrary to what movies and TV may show—passion shouldn’t involve sudden outbursts. An abusive partner might seem calm in public but turn into someone else behind closed doors. It’s normal to be annoyed if you buy expired milk, but it’s not okay for your partner to scream at you for it. That’s not passion—it’s abuse.

He criticizes your looks or style

closeup photo of woman wearing single-shoulder dress
Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

You have the right to dress and express yourself however you want, period. An abusive spouse often labels criticizing your partner’s appearance or clothing as “protecting” them or the relationship. They might say things like, “I don’t want you getting unwanted attention.” In healthy relationships, partners may point out if you have lipstick on your teeth, but they won’t try to control how you dress or look.

He insults you when he’s upset, then apologizes later

Multiethnic couple arguing in city
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Your husband’s words don’t have to be obviously insulting to be unacceptable. Calling you “pathetic,” “stupid,” or telling you to “go away” is verbal abuse. Abusers often use name-calling and swearing during the “explosion” phase in the cycle of abuse. Afterward, they might try to win you back with grand gestures and apologies. But remember not to melt.

He’s constantly checking up on you with calls and texts

man in black crew-neck top using smartphone
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

It’s frustrating when your texts don’t get a response. Nobody likes being ignored or ghosted. Initially, constant communication with your husband might feel reassuring, especially if you’ve dealt with unreliable partners in the past. However, it could be a sign of crossing boundaries if your husband’s constant messages feel suffocating and include repeated demands to know your whereabouts and activities.

He doesn’t respect your personal space

woman in black top looking downwards
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No matter how romantic it may seem in movies, nobody should refuse to leave your personal space until they get what they want from you. If you ask someone to leave you alone and they refuse, it’s not devotion—it’s disrespecting your boundaries. Emotional abusers often lack boundaries due to their insecurities. True respect for boundaries is what’s truly attractive.

He tries to control who you spend time with

woman walking along the street
Photo by Jonas Svidras on Unsplash

Even in committed relationships, our partners shouldn’t be our only focus. Having friends and a social life is healthy and can strengthen our romantic relationships. Your husband shouldn’t interfere with your friendships by constantly criticizing them, asking you to cancel plans, or checking in excessively when you’re with others. Respecting your social life outside the relationship is important for both of you.

He makes you doubt yourself

man leaning on wall while looking down wearing eyeglasses and necklace with right hand on chin
Photo by Jake Young on Unsplash

Gaslighting is another type of emotional abuse where your partner makes you doubt your own perception of reality. For example, if you notice your partner has anger problems and try to discuss it, instead of listening, they might say—”You’re overreacting. You don’t understand how adult relationships work.” This can leave you questioning yourself rather than addressing how their actions make you feel.

He speaks for you in public

man in red scarf and blue and white plaid shirt
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It’s nice when your husband defends you, but it’s concerning when they speak over or for you in public as if you can’t speak for yourself. While it’s okay to let your partner handle ordering on a date night sometimes, having them speak for you when you’re present is not a sign of chivalry—it’s a warning sign.

He gets physically aggressive

man in black crew neck shirt
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Hitting, choking, pushing, and any form of violence are big and clear signs of abuse. Yet, even acts like punching walls or slamming doors can be abusive. These physical outbursts show a lack of self-control even if they don’t directly harm another person. It’s important to understand that adults shouldn’t resort to throwing things or behaving violently.

He pressures you for intercourse

Woman Sleeping
Photo by Ivan Oboleninov on Pexels

A healthy sex life is important for many in a happy relationship. It means having sex when you genuinely want to, not because your husband pressures you. Coercing someone into sex is abusive—no one should ever feel forced to have sex. Your sex drive naturally fluctuates, and that should be respected in your relationship. If your partner uses sex or intimacy as a tool for manipulation by withholding it, that’s also a form of abuse.