Undoubtedly, first dates are exciting, but they can also be a little nerve-wracking. You’re trying to make a good impression, but there’s always that chance something might go wrong (even if you did nothing wrong). Whether it’s the vibe or small actions that send the wrong message, some things can make or break a connection. Here are 15 red flags men look out for on a first date.
Being Late Without an Explanation

Punctuality is very important. Showing up late without letting your date know in advance can make things feel off from the beginning. It can make them wonder if you’re really interested or if you simply don’t value their time. If you’re running behind, just send a quick text – it shows you respect the other person enough to keep them in the loop.
Talking Only About Yourself

Hold on a second. Take a breath. Pause. It’s great to share things about yourself, but if the conversation revolves around only you most of the time, it could come across as selfish. Nobody wants to feel like a listener in someone’s monologue. A good first date conversation should feel like a two-way exchange – ask questions and show real interest in what the other person has to say.
Over-Sharing Personal Drama

It’s way too soon, darling. Diving into heavy, emotional stories can be a major turnoff for men. While it’s natural to want to share personal experiences, getting into family drama or past heartbreaks right off the bat might make your date uncomfortable. Save those deep conversations for later when you’ve built some trust.
Bad Table Manners

People notice everything. The way you sit, how you eat, and what you order. Something as simple as chewing with your mouth open or slurping your drink can really make a bad impression. Table manners are one of those small things that speak volumes about a person. A little etiquette shows that you care about the experience and respect the people around you – including your date.
Flirting With the Waitstaff or Others Around

Who are you here for? It’s normal to be friendly, but being overly flirtatious with others while on a date can send the message that you’re not really invested in the person sitting across from you. If you’re giving compliments or engaging in flirty conversations with others, it can make your date feel like they’re not your priority.
Talking About Exes Too Much

If your date keeps bringing up their exes, it could make things awkward. Not only does it show that they’re not over the past, but it might also make you feel like you’re competing with someone who’s not even there. It shows that you’re not over it (or him). You might not be ready for a new relationship if you keep dwelling on the old one.
Judging or Criticizing

If someone is constantly pointing out flaws in people, places, or situations, it can create a toxic vibe. Who wants to date a Karen anyway? Criticism without reason can make you feel like you’re under a microscope. It can also make the other person wonder if you’re judgmental about everything in life – which is definitely a turnoff.
Being Overly Touchy-Feely

Physical attraction is natural in any relationship, but getting too touchy on the first date can make the other person feel very uncomfortable. Maybe you’re okay with it. But that doesn’t mean your date wants the same thing. So, it’s important to gauge how the other person is reacting to physical closeness. Everyone has different boundaries, so being respectful of those is key.
Not Making Eye Contact

Men love to make eye contact. For them, if someone avoids eye contact, it can show disinterest or even a lack of confidence. No eye contact may also give off the impression that the person is being dishonest. On the other hand, consistent, genuine eye contact shows engagement and interest, which is always a positive sign.
Not Listening

If your date spends most of their time on their phone or doesn’t engage in the conversation, it can make you feel invisible. Nobody likes to feel like they’re not being heard, so make sure to give your date your full attention. You are on a date to talk and understand the other person. So put all your focus there and listen to what they say.
Lack of Enthusiasm

It’s okay to be a little nervous, but showing some enthusiasm for the date is important. Having a positive attitude and showing that you’re happy to be there can make the other person more comfortable. Even if your friend forced you to go out on a date, show some respect for the guy who showed up.
Talking About Marriage and Kids Too Early

Again, it’s too early for that kind of conversation. Bringing up the idea of marriage or kids can make things feel unnecessarily serious. A first date is about having fun, getting to know each other, and seeing if there’s a connection. Jumping into topics like that might give the impression you’re looking for something too heavy too fast.
Being Rude to Others

If your date is rude to the waitstaff, cashiers, or anyone else, it can be a huge red flag. How someone treats others says a lot about their character. If they’re disrespectful to people in service roles, it might indicate that they don’t value kindness or empathy, which are important qualities in any relationship.
Oversharing Social Media

If you spend more time talking about social media stats than the conversation at hand, it can come off as shallow or self-centered. Constantly mentioning how many followers you’ve got or how many likes your Instagram posts get can make the conversation feel like a competition for attention. Just focus on real-world connections rather than online numbers.
Being Too Negative About The Date

Complaining about the venue, the food, or the entire experience can create a negative vibe that leaves your date feeling uncomfortable. While it’s fine that things aren’t perfect, dwelling on those imperfections can make things awkward. Who wants to listen to you whine about the food or the weather? If you’re not feeling the date, try to keep the mood light and positive rather than focusing on what’s going wrong.