It’s easy to come up with 15 reasons why student loan debt should not be forgiven. Many of them involve personal responsibility.
It’s an abuse of the loan system

Forgiving student loan debt makes the loan system irrelevant through the abuse many will heap upon it. What use is it if people take out loans and then ask to be erased?
There’s no accountability

Responsibility is one of the most important things to teach students as they grow and learn. If this fundamental isn’t met, people will continue to look for handouts.
Forgiveness is a temporary solution

Think about what happens if a student, after college, decides to take out another loan for something. There’s little to no forgiveness in the private sector.
It would help those who don’t need the help a lot more

Why bother helping out those who can easily pay the loans back? It would only raise the prices for those who can’t afford it.
Tuition would increase

Remember the last line when I said prices would increase? Eventually, student loan debt would last past a person’s lifetime and beyond.
Responsibility would become a thing of the past

A lot of people are already uncertain of what responsibility means. But in this case, forgiving student loan debt is like saying, “Don’t worry, it’s on the house”.
College would be worth even less than it is now

Unfortunately, the argument that college isn’t worth much is becoming more valid year after year. But if student loan debt continues to be forgiven, it will be an expensive play place for those who don’t want to learn so much as a state that they’ve had the college experience.
It shows weak leadership

Those seeking to forgive this debt are not in their right mind. There, it’s been said once again.
This creates a weaker society

Without learning the responsibility of paying back a loan, society becomes a weaker group, eventually forgetting what it’s like to be accountable.
Such an action allows those who don’t fully grasp the idea of repayment an easy out

Too many people take out loans without realizing what to repay. Unfortunately, draining down a contract is not the right way to go.
It’s an easy solution that leads to a slippery slope

The easier things get, the better, right? Not in this case. If loans become easier to neglect, then college becomes worthless.
It’s an excellent way to bankrupt the nation

This sounds like a paranoid delusion, but the reality is that if this practice continues, we will not be able to maintain the level of education we currently have.
A library card would be worth more than a college degree

At this point, it almost is. With what a person might pay in late fees, they can get a better education for a hundred dollars or less than they might with an education that costs thousands.
This is just one in a long line of bad ideas

The USA and its leadership have had a few very bad ideas, and this is one of the worst.
The college system would crash eventually

It might be on that track already. But forgiving student loan debt is another pitfall sending it into the dumpster.