11 Tips To Take Care of Owls in Your Yard


Hoot, hoot! Ever hear the eerie call of an owl echoing through the night? These feathered predators are fascinating creatures, silently swooping through the darkness and keeping rodent populations in check. But these wise birds need a helping hand with habitat loss on the rise. Luckily, even a small backyard can become a haven for these magnificent birds! We have compiled 11 simple yet effective ways to give a hoot and safeguard owls in your backyard.

Create Owl-Friendly Habitats

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Provide nesting boxes or platforms for owls to roost and raise their young. Position them in quiet, secluded areas away from human disturbance and ensure they offer adequate protection from the elements.

Avoid Trimming Trees Excessively


Owls love mature trees with sturdy branches for their nests. If you have healthy trees in your yard, resist the urge to trim them excessively. While not aesthetically pleasing, dead branches can be an ideal place for an owl nest!

Avoid Chemical Pesticides


Chemical pesticides in the yard can harm owls directly or indirectly by contaminating their food sources. Use natural pest control methods and eco-friendly alternatives to keep your garden healthy and pest-free.

Preserve Natural Vegetation

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Let some areas of your yard go wild to encourage a healthy ecosystem. A patch of native plants or a small brush pile can provide shelter and attract insects and small mammals, which are potential snacks for your resident owls.

Limit Outdoor Lighting


These wise birds hunt at night, relying on darkness for stealth. Reduce outdoor lighting at night to limit disturbances to nocturnal wildlife like owls. Use motion-activated or shielded lights to direct illumination where needed without flooding the entire area with artificial light.

Install Bird-Safe Windows

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Prevent window collisions by applying decals, screens, or bird-friendly film to windows to make them more visible to owls and other birds. This simple measure can help reduce the number of bird fatalities caused by window strikes.

Maintain a Clean Bird Feeder Area

Gea Veenstra/Getty

Ensure bird feeders and feeding areas are clean in order to reduce the chances of attracting insects or predators that could harm owls or their prey. Regularly remove spilled seed and debris to maintain a healthy feeding environment.

Be Mindful of Nesting Season


During nesting season, exercise caution when performing yard work or tree trimming to avoid disturbing owl nests or fledglings. Check for signs of nesting activity before undertaking major landscaping projects and postpone activities if necessary to reduce disturbances.

Reduce Noise Pollution


It can help to avoid loud activities or machinery during sensitive times, such as nesting season or nighttime hours when owls are active. Creating a tranquil environment allows owls to hunt, roost, and communicate without disturbance.

Provide Water Sources

Tatiana Terekhina/Getty

Install bird baths or shallow water dishes in your yard to provide owls and other wildlife with access to clean drinking water. Keep the water sources clean and refreshed regularly to ensure they remain a reliable resource for thirsty visitors.

Practice Responsible Pet Ownership

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If you have dogs or cats, ensure they are controlled and supervised outdoors to prevent them from chasing or harassing owls and other wildlife. Keep them leashed in areas where these birds are known to frequent, and discourage behaviors that may disturb or endanger wildlife.


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