10 Words Many Americans Commonly Mispronounce


Language evolves, but some mispronunciations stick around no matter how many times they’re corrected. Some words get a pass because they’re tricky, while others have been said the wrong way for so long that the mistake sounds normal. Think you’ve been saying everything correctly? This list might surprise you.

Are You Ordering This Pastry Wrong?

Abdulrhman Alkady/Pexels

Nothing humbles you faster than mispronouncing a croissant in front of a barista. Americans say “cruh-sahnt”,” but the French say “kwah-sahn”,” which makes it sound 100% fancier. Try ordering it correctly, and suddenly, you’re an international food connoisseur or someone holding up the line at Starbucks.

Is There A Missing Syllable In Caramel?

Angele J/Pexels

The “kar-muhl” vs. “kar-uh-mel” debate has divided Americans for decades. Technically, all three syllables belong, but plenty of people ignore the middle one. No matter how you say it, caramel tastes amazing—especially when drizzled over something you didn’t need more sugar on.

Is There A Wrong Way To Say Bagel?

Lucie Liz/Pexels

A bagel should be easy to say, but some Americans (especially in the Midwest) call it “bay-gull” as if it’s some bread-loving seagull. The standard pronunciation is “bag-uhl,” but honestly, as long as it’s covered in cream cheese, we can all get along.

Are You Mispronouncing Your Morning Coffee?

Viktoria Alipatova/Pexels

Have you ever confidently ordered an “expresso”? Congrats, you’ve just given the English language an unintentional makeover. There’s no “X” in Espresso, but that hasn’t stopped people from saying it anyway. Maybe it’s the caffeine making everyone talk too fast, or we collectively decided the word needed extra excitement.

Are You Butchering This Greek Classic?

Bruna Santos/Pexels

Walking into a Greek restaurant and confidently ordering a “jai-ro” is a sure way to get some side-eye. The correct pronunciation is “yee-ro” (or “yee-roh”). Say it right, and you might earn some respect. Say it wrong, and you’re still getting a gyro—just with a side of judgment.

Are You Mispronouncing This Frozen Treat?

Alejandro Aznar/Pexels

When you hear someone say “sher-bert,” it’s not a new flavor—it’s a misstep. The correct pronunciation for sorbet is sher-bit,” without the extra “R” that often slips in. It’s a small thing, but it’s enough to make you sound like you know what you’re talking about when you’re enjoying that tangy, fruity treat.

Is There An Extra Syllable Here?

Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Many people say “mis-CHEE-vee-ous,” adding an utterly unnecessary syllable. The correct way is “MIS-chuh-vus.” The extra “vee” sound is a mystery, but it’s been around so long that even smart people say it wrong. Adding that extra syllable only complicates things for no good reason.

How Do You Really Pronounce Pecan?

Jess Loiterton/Pexels

Is it “PEE-can” or “pee-KAHN”? If you’re in the South, it’s “pee-KAHN.” If you’re up North, it’s “PEE-can.” Say it wrong in the wrong state, and you might start a fight—especially if there’s pie involved. Either way, pronunciation won’t stop anyone from grabbing a second slice.

Are You Saying This Superfood Correctly?

Vie Studio/Pexels

Quinoa has been a health-food staple for years, but people still struggle with its pronunciation. It’s not “kwin-OH-uh” or “kwin-WAH”—it’s “KEEN-wah.” It sounds fancy, which makes sense because it’s expensive. Say it right, and you’ll sound like you belong at Whole Foods, even if you’re just there for the free samples.

Are You Skipping A Letter In February?

Matheus Bertelli/Pexels

Most Americans skip the first “R” and say “Feb-you-air-ee,” but the right way is “Feb-roo-air-ee.” It’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s technically right. Since many struggle to spell it, let’s let this one slide and just focus on making it through the winter.