10 Simple Hacks to Keep Freezer Burn Out of Your Food 

Meruyert Gonullu/Pexels

Say goodbye to freezer burn and hello to fresher, tastier meals! Keeping your frozen food in top condition doesn’t have to be a challenge. With a few smart tricks, you can prevent ice crystals and extend the life of everything from veggies to meats. Ready to become a freezing expert? Here are 10 simple steps to keep your frozen foods in perfect shape!

Pack Foods Tight


Air is the enemy of freshness! Pack foods tightly in bags or containers to limit exposure to air, which causes freezer burn. Squeeze out as much air as possible to keep your food fresher longer. But be careful not to overpack, as it may lead to uneven freezing.

Label and Date Everything


Labeling isn’t just for the organization—it helps prevent freezer burn, too! Write the date on each item so you know what to use first. Frozen food is best eaten within its freshness window, which makes labels a smart way to keep track.

Use Plastic Wrap or Foil


This simple trick adds an extra barrier against air. Tightly wrap food in foil or freezer-safe plastic wrap to create a second layer of protection. Double-wrapping stops moisture loss and keeps flavors locked in for longer, perfect for items like bread or meat.

Set Freezer Temperature Right

Kevin Malik/Pexels

Lower temperatures slow down freezer burn, so double-check that your freezer is cold enough. And keeping your freezer at 0°F (-18°C) is key. Foods stay fresher at this temperature, and setting it right helps you avoid those unwanted icy spots.

Divide Food into Portions


Large portions can lead to more air exposure. Divide food into smaller servings before freezing. This keeps everything fresh and makes it easy to grab just what you need later. Whether it’s soup or stew, portioning saves flavor and freezer space.

Avoid Opening the Freezer Often

Kindel Media/Pexels

Every time you open the freezer, warm air sneaks in and creates moisture and potential burn. Only open it when necessary, and avoid leaving the door open for long. This tip keeps cold air stable to help food stay fresher for months.

Cool Food Before Freezing


Placing hot food in the freezer causes condensation and leads to freezer burn. Let cooked items cool down first, and then package them for freezing. This trick stops steam from forming inside, preserving taste and texture. Your food will thank you!

Try Freezer Bags Over Containers


Stackable and airtight, bags are perfect for everything from soups to fruits and help you save space and freshness. For some foods, freezer bags work better than containers because they’re more flexible. You can squeeze out extra air, which reduces freezer burn.

Vacuum Seal for Best Results


Vacuum sealing creates a near-perfect barrier against air and freezer burn. Though you need a vacuum sealer, it’s worth it for meats and other long-term items. Removing air completely means your food stays fresh, flavorful, and burn-free.

Freeze Food Quickly


Quick freezing keeps flavors and textures intact, while slow freezing can create larger ice crystals that damage food texture. Spread items out initially to let them freeze quickly, and once it is frozen, you can transfer them into a container for more efficient storage.