10 Reasons Why New Home Construction Might Be a Mistake


Although would-be homeowners might be tempted to build a new home that seems perfect for their needs and circumstances, said individuals need to remember that the choice between buying a new home and a new home construction is never so simple and straightforward. After all, building a new home has its fair share of pros and cons, meaning that while it can suit some people, it can also seem like an endless nightmare to other people.

Consider these 10 reasons why would-be homeowners might want to reconsider their plans to build a new home:

Locations aren’t easy

Good locations are rare.  This is because good locations with good access to amenities tend to be occupied, meaning that before new home construction can begin, would-be homeowners will have to pay for both the land and the existing structures upon it before paying more to prepare the site. In contrast, cheaper locations tend to have a serious problem in their surrounding are still being developed, assuming that they are being developed at all, meaning that they have poor access to the amenities that make life worth living.

Lowering expectations

If would-be homeowners choose to build in a cheap location, they will need to lower their expectations when it comes to their surroundings. This is because either other people will be moving in as well which means that their surroundings will be filled with the sights and sounds of construction, or no one else will be moving in which means that their surroundings will seem barren at best.


Building a new home needs new building permits which can be a complicated and time-consuming process. This is particularly problematic because different areas have different building codes, meaning that even people who are familiar with the process of securing a building permit can still make mistakes that will cost them further time and effort.

Legal Parameters

On a related note, the legal contracts with home builders can include clauses that limit the would-be homeowners’ legal options in case something goes wrong with the home building process. This is a serious problem because it lowers their protection from all of the contingencies that can happen over the course of a construction project, meaning that would-be homeowners need to exercise all possible care and caution when examining their contacts so that they understand exactly what they are getting into.

Can be more expensive

Building a new home is actually more expensive than buying a new home, particularly if the would-be homeowner wants to fill it with the best and latest features. As a result, their budget can start running out much sooner than they expected, meaning that they will have to change their plans instead of getting the dream home that they were expecting.

Always bumps in the road

Forecasts are never perfect, meaning that new home construction can use up more time than what was allotted in its schedule. As a result, if a would-be homeowner has already moved out of their previous home, they might have to arrange for temporary housing as well as temporary storage for their possessions. Both measures can be expensive, but when both are combined, they can prove extremely frustrating as well, particularly if the temporary housing has poor access to all of the amenities that the would-be homeowner was expecting.

Budgets are rarely kept

Likewise, imperfect forecasts means that new home construction can exceed its budget as well, particularly since there are so many things that can wreak havoc with the home builders’ expectations. For example, unexpected bad weather can cause serious delays in the home building process, which means having to pay the home builders more to retain their services for longer and longer periods of time. Similarly, if the home builders go too far trying to cut down on construction waste by ordering exactly what they need in construction materials and no more, they can end up regretting it if they end up having to make additional orders, particularly since construction materials tend to be cheaper on a per unit basis when bought in bulk. If the would-be homeowner went with a cost-plus contract rather than a lump-sum contract, all of this can cost them more than what they paid in the first place.

Time considerations

Even assuming that everything goes perfectly with the home building process, building a new home is going to take somewhere between five and six months. In contrast, buying a new home tends to take a matter of six to seven weeks, particularly if the would-be homeowner is planning to minimize what they choose to bring with them to their new homes. For those who dislike having to wait while something finishes up, this can be a serious deal-breaker.

More work than expected

It is important to note that coming up with a dream home can actually mean a lot of work for the would-be homeowner. After all, they will have to spend hour after hour conversing with their home builders to learn what options they have as well as what those options would look like when combined into a single package. If they are short on time, they might end up with something expensive but still falling short of their expectations, meaning that they would have been better served by just buying a new home instead of building one.


Both buying a new home and building a new home can prove to be a stressful process. However, since building a new home is so much more complicated and time-consuming, there are a lot more obstacles and thus a lot ways that a would-be homeowner can build up stress. As a result, if a would-be homeowner is not careful, they can find building a new home to be an extremely frustrating process, which can cost them in regards to the rest of their life, particularly if they are juggling their normal day-to-day concerns at the same time.

Further Considerations

With that said, it is important to note that would-be homeowners can be operating under a wide range of circumstances. As a result, while building a new home can be a serious inconvenience to a significant percentage of their numbers, it can be a better choice that buying a new home for the rest. This means that would-be homeowners have to be willing to put in the time and effort needed to research their options so as to come up with the choice that is best for their needs and circumstances, thus ensuring the best results for them.


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